Chapter twelve

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I walked into work on Monday preparing for it to be incredibly awkward. Me and Aaron hadn't spoken at all since our little incident had occurred. He left pretty soon after waking up Saturday morning and hadn't texted or called me the rest of the weekend. To be fair I hadn't called or texted him either but part of me wanted him to do it first. I was hoping that I wasn't just gonna turn into a one night stand but I really wasn't sure. I head into the elevator and push the floor number when I hear someone yelling, "Hold the elevator!". I stick my hand out to prevent the door from closing when I look up to see the person controlling my thoughts. Aaron walks into the elevator and see's me in there. The emotion on his face shifts and he mutters a very quiet, "good morning". 

"Good morning, Aaron."

He looks over at me, "You can't call me that here."

The elevator reaches our floor and he walks out of the elevator before I have any chance to respond. What just happened? I try to shake it off as I walk over to my desk but I wear my emotion on my face. Morgan and Emily could tell something was wrong but they didn't say anything. I wanted nothing more than to talk to someone about this but I couldn't. I didn't have any friends really outside of work and there was no one at work I could talk to about it. I sat at my desk lost in thought and worry until JJ called us into the round table room. 

"We got a serial rapist in Montana."

I widen my eyes, "Serial Rapist?"

"Yep, we have 8 women reporting rape and sexual assault with the same M.O."

Rossi looks up from his case file, "What's the M.O.?"

"He carves his initials into every woman before he leaves."

The team is in shock. Everyone either looked surprised, angry, or just upset. 

Hotch broke the silence, "Wheels up in 30."

I walked out of the office and started over towards Penelope's office. I decided that out of everyone she was the one I trusted most with this secret and news. She would freak out but she wouldn't tell anyone. I also wouldn't have to see her all week so I wouldn't be reminded of it and she couldn't tease me.  I walked into her office, "Hey PG, you have a minute to chat?"

"Of course I do, but you'll have to make it quick. You need to be leaving for the airstrip in 15 minutes."

"I can make it quick but you have to promise not to over react."

"I won't, I swear. Now spill Nat."

I sat there and told her everything. I told her about what really happened in Mississippi and everything that had happened after that. I told her about this weekend and the after math. I even told her about what happened in the elevator less than a hour ago. She sat there quietly listening and making faces until I was done. "So that's all" I said quietly watching her.

"Oh my god Nat that's...

"I know, believe me I know."

"I mean I always thought he had a thing for you but I would of never imagined this."

I looked down at the clock to see I had about 4 minutes left before I had to leave. "I wouldn't have either believe me but there's just something about him."

"Probably the mind blowing sex."

I give her a playful punch in the arm, "Penelope!" I mean she wasn't wrong. The one time we had slept together it was pretty amazing. I look down at my phone, 2 minutes.

"You got to go soon, but as soon as we get back we are having lunch and talking more about this, understand?"

"Understood and Penelope, you can't tell anyone about this."

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now