Chapter seventeen

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"Hey Natalie, can we talk?"

I opened the door to see Aaron standing there. I was surprised that he had showed up to my apartment. Especially since it was later in the day. I stood there silent for a minute. "I guess." I opened my door more so he could walk in. He walked in and I shut the door behind him. I locked it then put my gun down on the table I had next to my door. I looked back and saw him standing there awkwardly. "You can go to the living room if you want.". He walked into the living room and I started to follow him when I realized that my stove was still on. "I'll be in there in a minute."

I walked into the kitchen and turned off my stove. I was putting away the food I had cooking when I heard him behind me. 

"When did you get a dog?"

"About a week ago."

"Really? Why?"

I look at him and coldly state, "I had nothing holding me back anymore.". He looks sad that I said that but I didn't care. I was honestly mad that he had showed up to my apartment. "What do you want to talk about Aaron?"


"There is no us."

He sighs, "It doesn't have to be that way."

"Well if I recall correctly, you were the one who broke up with me." I look him in the eyes. No expression on my face. I wasn't gonna allow him to profile me right now.

He looks down at the ground and starts saying something quietly, "I didn't want to."

I fire back immediately with no emotion in my voice, "But you did. Even if you didn't want to you did. Besides if you really didn't want to end things, why didn't you call me all week? Or even send me one text?"

"You didn't text or call me either." He says. His voice rising slightly.

"Because I was under the impression you broke up with me!" I was yelling now but I didn't care. He takes a step closer to me and there's not much distance left between us. 

He speaks now in a lower voice, "You can't expect me to just say what you want back whenever you want me to Natalie."

"I realize that but I don't think I was asking too much." I feel tears coming to my eyes, I didn't like yelling and I didn't like fighting either. "If you just came here to tell me that you don't love me again, just say it and leave Aaron."

"I came here to say this..." He takes another step closer to me and there's almost no distance between us. He puts his hand on my chin and turns my head up toward him. All of sudden his lips are on mine. I kiss him back even though I shouldn't. He broke up with me but I still loved him. He picks me up onto the counter and continues going at me. This wasn't like any of our other moments. This one was filled with anger and lust. I pull away, "Aaron we can't do this."

He looks confused, "Do what?"

I know I'm about to cry, "This. Us. We don't work."

He sighs, "I know. I'm sorry Natalie."

He pulls me into a tight hug and holds me while I'm crying. Eventually he leaves and I go to bed. I was upset. More upset than I had been all week. I guess tonight it just felt real. I don't remember when I fell asleep but I remember crying and thinking about how it was all over. 

I went into work early the next morning so I would have time to talk to Penelope before we got a case. She knew immediately something had happened because in her words, "Honey you look like a train just hit you." So I started telling her what happened. She made commentary at some parts of the story like, "He really just showed up at your apartment?" and "Wow what a dick.". It was comforting to just be able to tell someone and have them on my side. We talked for about an hour before JJ pulled us out to go over a case. 

I walk into the round table room and try my hardest to avoid eye contact with Hotch. But with my luck the only seat left his in between him and Emily. We didn't acknowledge each other at all. Penelope started going over the case and Dave shot me a sympathy look. I hated it but I gave him a small smile to be nice but that was it. I spaced out for the rest of the time until I heard, "Wheels up in 30."

I stood up and went with my team to the jet. My mind trying to focus on too many things at once. I hated that I was in this position but I wasn't gonna quit my job so I had to deal with it. The jet ride and the rest of the day was mostly normal until we decided to go get dinner as a team. We were all sitting down in some Chinese Restaurant that we found. Casual chat was being made. I wasn't really participating till Morgan starts to talk to me. 

"So Natalie, I'm having a little get together on Saturday, granted we don't have work, but the whole teams coming and you should bring that new boyfriend of yours so we can meet him."

Aaron controls his facial expressions but Emily does not. She gives Morgan a look that tells him he shouldn't have said that. He looks from her back to me, confused. I take a deep breath, "We actually broke up but I'll definitely be there Morgan." The table is silent after that. I get looks of sympathy from everyone and I hate it. After a few more silent minutes Morgan looks over at me again, "I'm sorry Natalie. I shouldn't have put you on the spot."

"It fine." It wasn't but I was gonna act like it was. "I was gonna have to tell you guys sometime anyways. Surprised you didn't already know with all of us being profilers."

It's Dave who speaks next, "Some of us try not to profile our friends and family."

The rest of the dinner goes by pretty fast and before I know it we're heading back to the hotel. I had been in a SUV with Hotch almost all day today and I was tired of it, I just wanted to be alone. We made it to the hotel without speaking to each other and I made it to my room without seeing anyone else. I sighed and started to unpack for the day and work on the case. I worked for a few hours before deciding I was done. I put on a movie and started to cry a little about what had happened these past few days but eventually I stopped and just decided to go to sleep. 

// Authors Note:

I am so sorry this chapter took so long to put out and that it is shorter than usual. I had an extremely busy week and was suffering from some extreme writers block. I should have the next chapter out today or tomorrow so look forward to that. Also thank you so much for the comments they bring a smile to my face and make me laugh. Also Also, thank you for letting this book be #1 in Hotch and #1 in Aaron. 

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