Chapter thirteen

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i was woken up by Emily as we were de-boarding the jet. I quickly grabbed my go bag and tried to wake myself up as fast as I could. I hoped into a car with Reid and JJ and we headed to the station. We got in and set up as fast as we could. I got put working the case from the station while the rest of the team went out to interview victims. I was amazed at how many men with a past charge who's initials were B.C.. I had looked at over 50 men who fit the profile and I wasn't even done with the stack yet. I decided that I needed a coffee to help me out so I walked over to the break room of the police station. 

I was sitting there watching the coffee pot brew when a detective walked up to me, "Hey Hot stuff."

Great. Usually I didn't interact with the local detectives much and when I did it almost never went well. I turned and looked for his name tag, "Hello detective... Hitchcock." I immediately turned my interest back to the coffee pot trying to show him that I'm not interested but he doesn't get the hint.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing dealing with all this rape stuff."

I scoff. Sexism at it's finest. "I'm doing my job." I huff. I pour my coffee and start walking back towards the room we had set up in. The douchebag follow me and even sits down next to me when I sit down. 

"You know you don't have to be working on this ya know. I have some files we could work on together in the back room..."

I almost gag in response to what he just said. "No thanks, I have a boyfriend."

"He doesn't have to know."

I respond angrier, "Listen, I said no so leave me alone." I get up to leave again and he grabs my arm. 

"I was being nice to you and you're being a real bitch lady."

I know he did not just call me a bitch. I yank my arm back and get ready to punch this guy in the face when suddenly Aaron enters the room, "I believe she said to leave her alone." The guy immediately tries to size Hotch up but stops once he realizes that he won't win that fight.

Hotch makes eye contact with the guy, "Now unless you're assigned to this case or have any information we need to know you're not allowed in this room. So leave." The guy looks embarrassed and quickly exits the room. 

I look at Aaron, "Thank you, is the rest of the team here?"

"No, not yet. They'll be here in about 20 minutes."

"Can I give you a hug then?"

"Of course."

I walk over to Aaron and just grab him and let him hold me. I shed a few tears and hope he doesn't  notice. I hated when anything like that happened to me. I had been taken advantage of in high school so the case was already hitting me harder than usual. Aaron held me and let me cry for a minute. Eventually I pulled away and went to sit down at the table to work again. I wiped my eyes, took a sip of my coffee and got started. He sat down next to me and let me work which was nice. 

We still had about 10 minutes till the team would arrive. I looked on the table and Aaron had his hand resting on the table face up. I put my hand in his and immediately his fingers intertwined with mine. He moved our hands under the table but he kept holding my hand. It was nice and intimate. I kept working on going through files and deciding if they fit the profile or not till the team came back. We heard them talking as they walked through the door and we let go of each other. I put my hand back in my lap and kept looking through files. 

We worked for another few hours before Aaron said we could go to the hotel. We hadn't made any major break throughs and honestly wouldn't until we had another victim and it sucked. I knew that we would catch him eventually but it didn't make me hate it any less. I was packing up my bag and getting ready to leave when Emily came up to me, "You want to get some dinner?" 

Aaron was standing behind her and raised his eyebrows at me. I stuttered a little bit, "I would love to Em but this case is just taking it out of me, I'll probably just go to to bed." I hated lying to her. "How about dinner tomorrow or when we get back?"

"That sounds great, I'll see you later." She walks out of the station and heads into a car. 

The rest of the team slowly heads out and gets into a car, me and Aaron are the last to leave. Were walking next to each other but not talking. He mutters a simple, "My room, 8:30?"

We keep walking, him a little in front of me, "Perfect." He gives me a small nod and climbs into a car with Rossi and Reid. I climb into the car with JJ, Morgan, and Emily. The car rides mostly silent. Emily invites me out to their dinner plans again and I politely decline. We get to the hotel at about 6:45 and we all head up to our rooms. I had about an hour and a half before I had to meet meet Aaron which didn't give me much time. I took a quick shower and did my hair. Now came the hard part, finding a outfit. I wasn't expecting to go one a "date" while on the case so I didn't bring date clothes. The only thing I had was a few shirt and pants suits. After quite a few minutes I decided on a low cut black long sleeve shirt and a pair of black pants I had. I didn't look too fancy but I also didn't look super casual which is what I was going for. 

I decided to head to his room at 8:28. His room was three down from mine so It wouldn't be a long walk. I stood outside his door and knocked quickly. I heard him shout, "I'm coming.". He opened the door and looked me up and down, "Well hello, Ms. Hallow." He moved to let me into the room. 

I looked around the room to see that he had lit some candles and had Italian sitting on the desk the room provided. "Where did you get candles at?"

"That's not important."

I laugh, "That sounds suspicious."

He puts his hand on the bottom of my back, "Maybe it does." He turns and looks me in my eyes, "You look great."

"You don't look to bad yourself."

"So is this enough of a date for you?"

"It's perfect"

He walks over to the table and pulls out a chair for me, "Then sit down, let's eat."

I sit down and grab the plate of food he pushes towards me. We sit there just talking about anything and everything we could. It was going great. Towards the end of dinner he reaches out and grabs my hand, "So, I technically took you on a date and I'm not asking over text so, Natalie Hallow, will you be my girlfriend?"

I laugh a little at how over dramatic her was being with this, "Of course I will handsome."

He walks over and pulls me up out of my chair. He kisses me and runs his hand through my hair. He pulls away after a minute, "So now do I get to meet your team?" he asks while smiling at me. 

"Hmmm I don't know they would probably think you're a prick."

He laughs, "Ouch, that was a good one."

"I know it was."

He laughs again and moves on from the subject, "Are you gonna go back to your hotel room tonight or..." He trails off on the or expecting me to but in and answer. 

"I can stay the night, I actually really want too. Today was just..." I don't finish that sentence. I'm not ruining this moment by being over emotional.

"I know. I can wake you up early enough to go get your badge and stuff if you need me too."

"Oh I actually brought it. I figured I would be sharing a bed with you again."

"Oh how right you were."

I walk over to my bag and grab my clothes I brought to change into. I take off my shirt and slip on a tank top instead. I'm in the process of putting on my pants when I feel Aaron starring at me. "You've literally seen me naked there's no reason to stare"

"Please you're so beautiful I have to stare."

I walk over and get onto his bed. I kiss him and then pull away and cuddle up to his chest. "Thank you for stepping in earlier, I don't know what I would of done if you hadn't." Well what I would do short of an assault charge but he didn't need to know that. 

"You're welcome Natalie.'

I sit there and eventually fall asleep the the rising and falling of his chest. 

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now