Chapter fifteen

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I was halfway through my second drink when I got a text from Hotch. 

"New Case, heading back to Quantico. Wheels up in thirty." 

I sighed and pulled up my GPS to see where I was.  I realized that I had ended up 8 miles away.  I really ran eight miles. I was never going to make it back in time so I would have to call someone to pick me up. I could of called JJ or Reid but they would both have too many questions. Rossi would of tried to lecture me and explain why Aaron did what he did and I also didn't feel like dealing with that. So I called Aaron. The phone rings three times before he picks up.


"Hey, so um I'm at a bar about 10 minutes away and I need someone to come pick me up."

"A bar?" He sounded worried. "Why are you at a-, Never mind. I'll be there in 20."

"Great." I hang up the phone and send him the address. I knew I was gonna have to talk to him but I didn't want too. I sat there and slowly finished my drink. I got up to leave when I realize that I probably looked like shit. I walked into the bathroom and realized that my makeup was smudged all under my eyes. I use some water to get off most of it but some of it still remains. I pull my hair down out of it's ponytail to try and distract from it. Had I not been upset I would of thought I looked good. I look at my phone to see it's been about 15 minutes. I pay for my drinks and walk out of the bar. I stand there waiting for the car to pull up for what feels like hours. In reality it was only about two minutes.

The car pulls up and I take a deep breath before climbing in. I don't look over at him. Instead I just get in and look down at my lap. I realize that I don't have my bag and we aren't heading towards the hotel. I don't look up from my lap, "Do you have my bag?"

"Yes I got it from JJ."

"Thank you, and thank you for picking me up."

"You're welcome, why were you at the bar?"

I don't answer. He knows the answer to that question and I'm not gonna fight with him in this car. I would be civilized and do it in his office or when we get home. I hated fighting with him. He either acted like it was all his fault or he wasn't at fault at all. Most of our fights didn't even get resolved, they just resulted in hot, angry sex. I wondered which Aaron I would get this time. 

He looked over at me, "From a work perspective, you can't just run off like that when you're upset Natalie."

I ignored him again. He knew I wasn't upset over work. I was technically off of work at this point anyway. I turned my head even further away and looked out of the window now. Watching the bland scenery pass as we drove down this straight road. We reached the air strip and I tried to get out of the car the minute we stopped. I went to open the door to find that they were locked. 

Aaron's staring at me, "You can't ignore me Natalie."

I look him dead in the eyes and growl, "Watch me". I unlock the door and climb out the fastest I possibly could. I throw the trunk open and grab my bag out of there. I walk over to the jet and realize that no one else is there yet. I put my bag in a overhead compartment and head to the bathroom. I lock myself in the bathroom and cry just a little. I didn't cry when I was sad, I cried when I was angry and frustrated. I sat there in the bathroom until I heard my personal savior, Mr. Derek Morgan laughing. I splashed water on my face and plastered on a smile. I opened the door and walk out. 

The plane ride was the slowest it had ever been. Aaron kept looking at me and I kept acting like I didn't see him do it. We got sent back due a potential bomb threat that got dealt with an hour into our flight. So we got to go home that night. We arrived back at Quantico and mostly everyone went up to the BAU. I figured that he wouldn't call me into his office with all these people here but boy was I wrong. 

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now