Chapter six

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My plan to get Penelope to plan the shopping trip worked. We went to breakfast at Rico's and I just casually mentioned I needed a new dress. She then got really excited and offered to organize a shopping trip for us and the other girls and here we were. We had met at the mall at about 6 pm and it was now 7:30. I couldn't find a dress or an outfit to wear tomorrow. I had stuff at home I could wear but I wanted to get something new. We were currently in a shoe store and everyone but me was looking for a new pair of boots.

"You have to want a new pair of boots Nat. They're on sale!"

"I may want a new pair of boots JJ but I don't need a new pair of boots."

We all laugh. They continue to walk around the store looking at shoes. I pull out my phone hoping to see a text from Hotch but there wasn't any. We hadn't really talked since we got back yesterday but I wasn't too worried about it.  Eventually we all left the shoe store and headed into another store. I started walking around the store when I made my way over to the dress section. I looked around the entire section but only found two dresses I liked. One was a emerald green dress that had a open neck. It was knee length and had long sleeves which I liked. The other was a silk black dress with a leg slit. The black one had thin straps and was mid thigh length. 

I went to try both of them on. Trying on dresses is always exhausting cause you want to make sure they look right before you buy them. I put on the emerald one first and walked out to show the girls. They all stared at me for what felt like hours before anyone spoke. 

Penelope spoke first, "I love it!". Followed by Emily and JJ who both spoke at the same time, "You look great."

I liked the dress but I wasn't sure if I wanted to buy it. It just didn't feel right. I was going to try on the other one when I heard JJ ask, "What is this dress for again?

"I have a date..."

Penelope got excited immediately, "A date Nat that's great. Oh and I can help you get ready and I can..."

I cut her off, "Penelope I appreciate the offer but it's not that serious. I don't even really like the guy.". That was a lie. I actually really did like the guy. But they didn't need to know that. Penelope looked disappointed and I felt bad. I hoped she wouldn't hold a grudge. Any other date I would but I couldn't risk her seeing Hotch pick me up. Emily had been smirking at me since I said I had a date. 

"Who's the guy?"

"Some random guy I met on tinder."

JJ looked disappointed, "Tinder Nat, really?"

"I met a guy on there he seems nice." They all looked at me with the same face. "It's at least worth a shot guys.". No luck. "Well I'm going to try on the other dress.". 

I walked back into the dressing room and checked my phone again. Still no text. I got out of the green dress and put on the black dress. I immediately loved it. I felt like it hugged my body just right but also didn't show too much. I walked out of the dressing room and Emily's face lit up. 

"I love it Nat.'

Penelope chimed in, "It's perfect.".

JJ looked me up and down, "You look great, any guy who gets to see you in that is lucky."

"Thank you guys, I think i'm gonna buy it."

"Think? Girl buy it, it looks great."

"Thanks Em"

We all walk over to checkout and I buy the dress. I'm even more excited for tomorrow now. I check my phone again, still no text. I consider texting him first but I don't want to see annoying. I spend another hour at the mall with the girls. I end up buying a pair of heels to go with the dress. I end up picking up some take out and heading home. I don't do much else that night except watch a movie and eat dinner. I went to bed earlier than usual because I had a long day ahead of me.  

I woke up at 6:30 the next morning like usual. I got in the shower and did my usual morning routine with a little more energy than usual. I was excited for today. I shouldn't have a long day at work and I had a date that night. I got dressed and was downstairs about to make breakfast when I decided that I was gonna stop by and get coffee before work. I head out into my car and start the drive to my local coffee place. I was sitting there thinking when I decided that I was gonna grab a coffee for Hotch. I placed my usual order and just ordered something I thought Hotch would like. 

I arrived at work and was struggling to open the door while holding the two drinks in my hand. A hand reaches from behind me and opens the door. I walk in and turn around to see that it's Hotch. "Well good morning."

"Good Morning Natalie."

"I got you a coffee.". I hand him the coffee and he gives me a warm smile. 

"Oh, Thank you." He lowers his voice, "We're still on for tonight?"

"Yes, eight right?"


"So Mr.Boss man are you gonna tell me where we're eating?"

"No I think I'll keep it a secret, Agent Hallow. 

"Oh that's cold, Agent Hotchner." I drag out the end of his name and we both laugh. We walk up into the main part of the BAU. I follow Hotch up into his office. He sits behind his desk. "Can I sit?"

"If you want too."

I sit down in the chairs in front of his desk. I sip my coffee and scroll through my phone. Hotch is already doing some sort of work. I sit with him for about 15 minutes until it's 7:45. The other team members would be arriving soon and there was some unspoken agreement that me and Hotch were gonna keep whatever it is this was a secret. I said bye and headed down to my desk. I started working and I kept working until we had our usual morning meeting. 

We didn't have a case so it was just an easy day around the office.  We all did some consulting and I finished my arrest paperwork for the previous case. The day went by incredibly slow. Around 4 pm the whole team except for Rossi and Hotch had finished their work so we were all just sitting around and talking. 

Emily brought up the conversation of my evening plans, "Morgan did you hear that Nat's got a date?"

"A date? Was it with that guy you were texting the other day?"

"Not that it's any of your business Morgan but yes it's with him."

"What's happening?". Hotch had come up to the group and I didn't notice.

Before I could answer JJ did for me, "Nat's got a date with someone she met on tinder."

"Oh a tinder date you say.". He looks me in the eyes. I can tell he's laughing in his head. "Well I hope you have fun Natalie. If you all want to go home early you can but be prepared to leave for a case tomorrow."

Everyone had left but Me and Hotch. I didn't know if I should go say bye or just leave. I didn't want to leave yet but I knew I was going to have too. 

"So i'm a tinder date now?"

I didn't notice Hotch had come down from his office. "I guess you are."

"I can deal with being the tinder date as long as I get to take you out."

"Well wasn't that sweet. Want to walk me to my car?"

"Of course."

He walks me out to my car making small talk. We say a quick goodbye and I climb in my car. I start to drive home thinking about later. I was nervous but also very excited. I got home and I started to get ready. I took a shower and shaved, I decided to straighten my hair and do some light makeup. I got dressed and grabbed a necklace that matched my shoes. I finished getting ready about 30 minutes early so I decided to watch some TV. 

The minutes passed by very slowly. I was getting anxious. I liked Hotch but I was nervous cause he was my boss. What if this went bad and it just awkward forever at work? I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I opened my door too see Hotch standing in front of me wearing a blue dress shirt with some black pants. He looked great. 

"You look beautiful Natalie."

"You don't look too bad yourself."

"You ready to go to dinner?"

"Of course". We walked down to his car hand in hand. he opened the door for me and I climbed into his car. I took a deep breath and prepared for the night. Full of nerves and excitement. 

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