Chapter seven

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I hate silence. But what I hate even more is when it's not silent but you're silent. Me and Hotch had spoken fine all week but we couldn't speak a sentence to each other right now.  Maybe it was the date setting, maybe it was the fact that we didn't have much in common.  I was a lot more outgoing and a try it before you die person. He was more of a routine type of person. I usually hated routine. That's why I had wanted to work at the BAU for so long. But dinner had become incredibly awkward. I was sure it was my fault. "I'm sorry for making this awkward."

"You didn't make it awkward Natalie."

"I didn't?"

"No, you didn't."


"Thank you for coming out with me tonight."

"I wouldn't want to have it any other way." He gives me a warm grin. "So let's ask the basics where are you from?"

"I lived in Seattle for most of my life before transferring here to DC."

"Oh wow, Seattle. What was it like?"

"Like any other big city except it was way more rainy and cold."

"I can imagine." The rest of the dinner went like that. Us asking basic questions about each other and getting some answers. I found out that Hotch, my scary intimidating boss from work, had pet bunny growing up.". The night was going goof until I asked the question, "What's your favorite memory from your childhood?". 

He dropped the smile from his face, "Oh um, I don't have one."

"Oh". The energy in the air had changed. I hit some button I hadn't known existed and that I didn't want to push. Our waiter bought our dinner and we ate in silence. I sat there eating my pasta when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I excused myself to the bathroom too see that it was Penelope texting me to see how the date was going.  I texted her back a lie telling her that it was going great and the food was amazing. I left the bathroom to and met Hotch's eyes when I was walking back to the table. He started speaking before I could even sit down.

"Natalie let me apologize, I know this date has been terrible and I'm truly sorry about that but please let me have a chance to make it up too you."

"I like the idea of that."

His face lights up, "Great let's go."

"Aaron we have to pay first."

"Oh I already payed."

"You didn't have to pay for me, I could of payed for myself."

"Yeah I know but I wanted too. You can get the next one."

He wanted there to be a next one. That was a good sign. I followed him out of the restaurant and out into the street. 

"I have to stop by the care first then we can walk over."

"You still haven't told me where we're walking too."

"That's a surprise."

We walked over to the car and he grabbed a bag out of the trunk. He awkwardly held out his hand for me to take. I grabbed it and he led me to a small park about 4 blocks away. It was pretty dark outside and there was no one around. "Just checking, you're not gonna murder me here right Aaron?"

"Still no, maybe next month."

"Oh I'm looking forward too it." We walked around the park a little bit before we decided to sit down on a bench. The wind was blowing and it was a little cold. I shivered a little and Hotch seemed to notice. 

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now