Chapter eight

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I awoke to my alarm. I quickly turned it off and looked around me. Hotch was no longer on the couch. I figured he had already left until I heard someone in the bathroom. I sat up on the couch and waited for him to come out of the bathroom. He came out in his full suit with his hair already done. He looked good and he knew it.

"Good Morning Natalie."

"Why are you still here?"

"Well that's a nice way to say good morning"

"I'm sorry Aaron I'm just confused. I figured you would of already left when I woke up."

"I was planning on leaving once you woke up but you sleep in really late."

"Sleep in late? It's 6:30. What time do you get up for work?"


"Ouch that's early."

He rolls his eyes, "Anyways, I have to leave pretty soon but I can stop and get you a coffee if you want."

I give him a small smile, "I would like that."

He comes over, "I think it goes without saying but you can't tell anyone about whatever this is."

"I won't I swear."

"Good Girl."

The way he said good girl made me feel some sort of way. I liked it. I smiled at him. He walked back over to me. 

"I'll see you in a few hours."

He reaches down and gives me a small kiss on the lips. "Bye Aaron."

"Bye Natalie."

He grabs the rest of his things and he heads out the door. I sigh and lay back down on the couch. I thought about how the night had gone for a few minutes before I get up and start getting ready for the day. I finish getting ready a lot later than I usually do and almost immediately had to head out the door. I get in my car and start heading to work. I make it about half way there before I realize I forgot my go bag. I turned around and headed back into my house. I got there and grabbed my bag out of the hallway and went back down to my car. This time I made it all the way to work, but not before I was 15 minutes late. That might not seem like a lot but at the BAU that was a lot.  

I walked in to the round table room and everyone was staring at me. They were all standing up like they just finished reviewing the case. A little out of breath I huffed, "Sorry I'm late guys I forgot my bag at home then hit the god awful traffic."

Hotch looks over at me, "It's fine Hallow just don't let it happen again." He hands me a case file, "Wheels up in thirty, debrief yourself before we get on the jet.". He looks away and then him and Rossi walk out of the room together. 

I didn't notice that Emily had walked up behind me, "Well he's in a bad mood."

"Yeah I wonder why?"

"Who cares honestly. But we have to go if you want to make the jet and review the case."

"Let me say hi to Penelope then we can leave.". I walk into Penelope's office and giver her a quick hello. We chat for a few minutes before I have to leave and get on the jet. I walk to the landing strip while reading the case file.  I get on the plane to see that Emily, Morgan and JJ are all ready there.  I grab a seat next to Morgan when he decides to make a smart comment.

"Someone must have had a long night."

I immediately fire back, "Can it Morgan."

He laughs, "Soo the date must of been good then."

Scotch // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now