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Assalamu Alaikum Everyone!....
Now dont be stingy and answer my salaam.

Here we go.... So the first part of Loving Junaid will be released.
Firstly, Alhamdulilah for the gift of life and also the gift of the knowledge to read and write.

All rights reserved....
Note that, This book will only be let out on The wattpad app alone or maybe under my name sometimes in the future. Any copy of it on any other app apart from those mentioned above would be a breach of law, and stealing of someone else's hardwork. Subhanallah.

Whosoever steals this piece of work will be charged strictly with Copyright infringement. So fear Allah ummahs.

And also, if noticed by any individual to have been stolen or dubbed, Kindly report to my wattpad account or any other account provided in my bio.
Jazakumullahu khair💕

N/B I am not in any way a skilled writter or a grammar lord, so grammatical errors and typographical errors encountered should be ignored please pending the time I edit them all.
Serious and grave mistakes should however please be forwarded to my DM.

Sadly, we live in a world where halal is now considered wrong while haram is now considered legit. A'uzubillah.💔

Buckle up y'all!.... The journey is about to begin....


Inayat's POV

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar......
Ashadu Al' la ilaha ilah llah..×2
Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadar Rasululah....

(Salallahu Alahi wasallam).... I muttered under my breath as I woke to the call of Adhaan. It's 5:am in the morning and time for fajr prayer.

I smiled as I stood up and recited my morning Azkar. "Alhamdulilahi ladhi ahyana ba'da ma amahtana wa ilayhin nushur". Alhamdulilah for another day that wasn't promised.

I turned to my side and found my little sister Mubarakah still sound asleep. "What a sleepy head..."
I have a natural talent of waking to the call of Adhaans especially during fajr prayers.
Did I just say talent? Lol well I have nothing else to call it... Alhamdulilah anyways.

I walked to the bathroom which was just steps away from our bedroom being it a Master's bedroom as my dad called it. After brushing and performing Ablution, I went up to wake my sister so she could get prepared too.

Sighs.., it's hard waking her up for fajr prayers as she keeps getting drowsier and sleepier on each attempt. Ash- shaitan at work lol.
Finally after the sixth attempt, she was finally awake.
Say your Duas.I said to her as I left for the shelve where we normally keep our prayer mats.

Just as I performed two non obligatory raka'ats and settled down for my sublications, I heard the main door go wide open and then closed.
"Dad and Aliyu Haidar....." My subconscious assured me. It's 5:25 anyways, it's time for salatul fajr. Dad is always the first to wake up once his Alarm goes off at exactly 4:am in the morning. After which he wakes my mum and later wakes my 4 year old brother when it's time for masjid.

I stood to perform "Rakaa'atanil fajr" (a sunnatic nafilah before salatul fajr). And then salatul fajr alongside my little sister.
After all Sublications, Quranic recitations, revisions of memorized surahs and Azkars, it was now 6:35 am.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.....
My Dad's voice echoed from the living room. He was back from the masjid and it was now time for the normal daily sermon he gives us every morning.
Na'am, My Dad always stays after prayers and listen to sermons the Imam delivers and shares it with us when he comes home.

Assalamualaikum mum, My sister and I greeted as we all met at the corridor separating our various rooms. Together we headed to the living room and met my Dad and Haidar already seated.

Walaikumusalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu... We chorused and took to our seats.

Today's sermon was based on early marriage. And was mostly directed to the ladies. "The prophet Muhammad, (salallahu Alahi wasallam).. we said in unison as he began. Encouraged the females to get married at early ages in order to avoid immoralities and fornications as we are all humans and sexual urgies are natural. The same goes for the males.
And also, As a father, if any of your children under your custody commits fornication, you as the parents would have share from the sins. "Wa iya dubilah". So, when you feel you are matured and ready to get married, let me know immediately okay. He concluded widely looking at me.

"So does that mean I can get married now?.... I broke the silence and got a loud laughter from everyone.
Did I forget to mention that I am Yoruba by tribe and hail from kwara state. But my whole family have always resided in the Northern part of Nigeria, Kaduna to be precised.
Mind you, kwara is a also Northern Nigeria state but If you have stayed in a hausa speaking state before, you will know where I am driving to😪.

We are Yorubas, So anyone who understands how most southerners feel concerning early marriage would know exactly what my family thinks of this right now.

Inayat, when you become more matured and able to take responsibilities, then we would re-sit and talk about this. My mum said as we all stood to leave for our various activities of the day.
"You barely even know how to cook......" My little sister mocked and got a laughter from us all.

That's so annoying Mubarakah I said as I left for my room. Scratch that.... The room I share with my little sister.

"Yes, what do you know? You are just 17 years old." My subconscious reminded me as I slumped on the bed and reached for my iPhone 8plus which was sitting on the drawer by the side of the bed. "Duh, going 18 in 3 months to come". I answered loudly.

A'uzubillah!!! I stupidly left my data on again!. I exclaimed as I saw pending notifications.
I glanced through and made a final stop at my WhatsApp. "360 messages from 3 chats!!" Subhanallah! More like an angle at a point lol I smiled as I tapped it open.

358 messages from U17biologists group.... Way to go noisemakers I sighed.
Less I forget, I am a 300 level student of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Recently wrapped up my 200level exams and now resumption was just by the corner. A week to come I think.

I skipped the noisemakers and went for the second on the list which was from my friend Sabeerah.
To my greatest surprise I froze and my heart started racing fast as I read;
"Our Results are out Inayat, They were pasted in front of the department yesterday and classrep just forwarded them to the group".
Ohww ya Allah, not results.... I cried out as I buried my face in my sheets.

So guys, this is it.......
Let's all embark on a new journey.
A beneficial one at that. Allah's willing.

So, I will be switching the pov's as there are two main characters. Inayat and Aa'yat. Similar names right? but it's not going to be confusing. I promise.

You just have to pay attention to the pov's then it would be all good.

First chapter is down..., I hope you likey..

Please guys, tell me how you feel...

I know it's kinda a little bit spiritual or maybe boring, but trust me guys, just hang on. This is gonna be a very nice ride In Sha Allah.

Aa'yat's POV in a bit🤩🤩......

For announcements concerning when the other chapters would be updated, Kindly do follow me. It takes just some taps on my profile

Love y'all❤️💕

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