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Junaid's POV

We were coming back from the Masjid after Isha prayer when Mansur called to my notice.

Why are you smiling sheepishly dude??? He asked.

Me? Smiling? I asked as I smiled boldly this time.

Yes you are. See, you just did again. He pointed out as I told him to stop.

I am not smiling okay. It is nothing, so just let it go. I countered as I walked faster leaving him a little behind.

Dude wait up!. He called as he caught up with me.

So you really won't tell me what is going on??? He continued.

So you really won't shut up???? I asked back as we both laughed.

No of course you know I won't, so just spit it out. He chuckled as I smiled brightly.

So.... I am listening.
Was it Inayat???? He winked as he pushed me with his shoulder sending me off balance a little.
Your first and only crush or should I say your wife to be In Sha Allah as you normally call her. He blurted as he laughed.

I cleared my throat and my smile faded as I answered.
Uhmm it wasn't Inayat, it was Aa'yat. I paused as I swallowed my saliva in nervousness.

What? The phone number girl? Aa'yat the sisterhood? The one you have been hanging out with recently? The one you cheated on your wife with? He said out all in one breath.

I must confess dude, I am not surprised. He finalized.

Are you done talking? I sighed out as I turned to him.

I mean Inayat and Aa'yat are both beautiful, but what if Aa'yat is making your love for Inayat reduce huh? He queried as he looked at me in Question.

Don't even go there Mansur, I still love Inayat and Allah knows okay. Aa'yat is just... I paused.

Just what? He eyed.

Just a friend. A nice friend. I stated as I looked back at him.

He heaved a sigh before saying; I have heard you dude, if you say so. But I have a feeling your heart says otherwise. He laughed out.

Just be quiet bro, you know nothing about my heart. I laughed back as we got to our hostel.

I like both ladies for you though, Pick your choice and leave me with the other. He joked as I gave him a slight smack on his shoulder.

Ouch, That hurts. He laughed harder as we walked in.

Aa'yat's POV

Two, two on a seat please...and there must be a large reasonable space in between.
The Master's student who was asked to supervise us instructed as we took to our seats. It was the 400 level class.

We were going to write the last test standing which was Dr Chia's part of Algae.
Soon, we were done and I exchanged smiles and few chats with Inayat and Sabeerah before they left for the hostel.

I hung around as I waited till the last person submitted his sheet. What was I waiting for?
Well it is more like who was I waiting for.

I was waiting if I could see habiba come out of the class or something, She has not been attending classes at all and haven't been picking my calls either.

I am so worried about her. Yesterday, I even tried locating her boyfriend Abdulsamad's house but to no avail.
I got so lost that I had to ask my way through back to samaru.
Her Roommates knows nothing about her too as I heard from Aisha (one of her roommates) that she hardly talked to them all and always took days off from them whenever they advised her on one thing or the other.

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