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Aa'yat's POV


Death is not seen as the termination of life, rather the continuation of life in another form.
In Islamic belief, God has made this worldly life as a test and a preparation ground for the after life, and with death, this worldly life comes to an end.

Thus, every person has only one chance to prepare themselves for the life to come where God will resurrect and judge every individual and will entitle them to rewards or punishment, based on their good or bad deeds.

And death is seen as the gateway to the beginning to the afterlife.
In Islam, belief death is predetermined by God.

Death is seen as the separation of the soul from the body, and it's transfer from this world to the afterlife.
The sources derived from the Qur'an and Islamic narratives, The angel of death (Malak al-maut) appears to the dying to take out their souls. The sinners souls are extracted in the most painful way while the righteous are treated easily.

Another common idea adds that, after the burial, two angels - Munkar and Nakir - come to question the dead in order to test their faith.
The righteous believers answer correctly and live in peace and comfort while the sinners and disbelievers fail and punishments ensue.

Believing in an afterlife is one of the six articles of faith in Islam. The deceased are in intermediary state, until the great resurection. At the time of resurrection, it will be revealed whether they go to Heaven or Hell.
And Muslims expect their last words to be the profession of their faith which reads (I testify that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah).
May Allah (swt) make it easy for us.


Allah the Almighty says,

"And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden to be killed except by legal right. This has he instructed you that you may use reason [Qur'an 6:151] and,

And do not kill yourselves [or one another] Indeed, Allah is to you ever merciful [Qur'an 4:29].

Thabit Ibn Al-Dahak narrated that the prophet sallalahu Alaiyhi wasalam said; whosoever kills himself with anything in this world, will be tortured with it in on the day of Judgement.

    Definition of suicide

It is the act of killing oneself intentionally.

  The ruling on suicide

Suicide is prohibited in Islamic law according to evidence from the Quran, Sunnah and the consensus of Muslim scholars. A person who commits suicide commits a major sin, though this does not take him outside Islam.

Washing, shrouding, and praying over a person who commits suicide.

It is considered a fard kifaya (communal duty) upon Muslims to wash and shroud a person who commits suicide as well as to bury him in a Muslim cemetery. This is because he is a Muslim and is subjected to several rulings that apply to deceased Muslims.

Means of suicide

Active suicide:- This means taking active steps to carry out suicide. E.g, using a sword, spear, rifle, poison, jumping from heights, throwing oneself in fire, drowning.

Passive suicide:- This means refraining from an effort to stay alive.
Examples include abstaining from food and drink, neglecting a treatable wound, staying motionless in water of fire, not trying to escape from an animal when one has the capacity to do so.

It is impermissible to commit suicide to avoid evils such as rape and torture.
For instance, it is impermissible for a girl to commit suicide for fear of rape.
She must defend herself against her attacker even if it means killing him.
If she is killed in the process, she is considered a martyr because she died to defend her honor.

The same applies to those who face hummilation and torture. They should resist their assailants and it is impermissible for them to commit suicide under the pretext that that it is more honourable to kill themselves than to accept captivity and torture.

A Muslim is obligated to excessive patience at times of affliction and fight injustice to the best of his ability. He is not permitted to commit suicide to escape afflictions.

Well, Allah knows best.

Is Asking Allah to forgive a person who committed suicide unallowed??

It is said that suicide is forbidden in Islam and that the person who commits suicide is destined to go to Hell. Suppose a person is suffering from a severe case of depression or some other mental disease. Should such a person commit suicide, will he also still go to hell??

One thing which people often do is to say that such and such person will definitely go to heaven or to hell. This is something over which none other than God has any control.
So to suggest that such a person goes here or there on the hereafter is an affront to God. Because it precipitates his judgement.

There are certain verses of the Qur'an and statements by the prophet (pbuh) which tells us that those who perpetrate certain sins will be punished. But then, it is up to God to determine what punishment fits every single case. Because God judges us individually, on the basis of his perfect knowledge of our intentions and conditions.

It is true that suicide is strictly forbidden. Because it is an affront to God. It is like a person saying to God: "You have given me life and I am taking it away.". This is what is meant by the sacred Hadith in which God is quoted as saying of the one who commits suicide: "My servant has precipitated my will with regard to himself!,

Therefore, I am forbidding him entry into heaven." But this Hadith applies to a person in full control of his facilities suffering no overpowering adversity and having a reasonable life. If such a person commits suicide, then may be God will not allow him in heaven.

A person who commits suicide as a result of mental disorder like depression or some other severe form of anxiety is not in full control of his senses. We cannot say how God will judge such a person, but we trust to God's justice, because he does not deal unfairly with anyone.

We pray for the person concerned, and request God to forgive him. When a man committed suicide during the prophet's lifetime, the prophet was distressed.

He did not perform the Janazah prayer for the deceased, but he ordered his companions to do it.
When they did, they prayed for the man and requested God's forgiveness for him. This shows that the prophet did not exclude the possibility of being forgiven by God.

How did I know this? I have been attending general tafsir's at the masjid's hostel lately.

So sad, Habiba was supposed to repent today, but within less than 10 hours, it became too late.

Well, we pray to Almighty Allah to forgive all her shortcomings and go easy on her.

Exams period has finally arrived, I need to work hard and achieve my aims, of course with Junaid by my side.

Lastly Note;

May Allah forgive us all Ameeen😭😭🙏

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May Allah forgive us all Ameeen😭😭🙏

See you next time Allah's willing 💕❤️


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