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       Aa'yat's POV

I dialed my mum and she picked on the third ring.

I was about saying my salaam before the noise from the background caught my attention.

Dont!, Stop hitting me! You monster! Just kill me already!..... It was my mum's voice. She was being physically abused by my Dad.

"Ahuzubillahi mina shaitahni rajeem" (I seek refuge of Allah from the greatest of all evils). I muttered with my subconscious.

I stood immediately from where I was sitting as I walked around hopelessly around the room with Inayat and Sabeerah shaking in fear as they stood by me.

Courageously, I started talking again.
Just calm down mum okay...
I can't hear you....
Get out of there.....
What is happening?

Aa'yat, I can't take this anymore, I can't take this anymore. I heard her shout out from somewhere in the room.

Shut up woman!, Just keep your mouth shut. Your useless daughter has nothing to do with this so just save your words. I heard my Dad fire angrily at her.

Subhanallah!... I shouted out making my roommates to worry even more.

I heard a loud crash of glasses and then a soft moan from my mum before the call got disconnected.

"Innalilahi wahina Ilahi Raji'un" I said out as I slammed my phone on the bed.

What happened? Did someone die? What is wrong with your mum? Inayat and Sabeerah chorused as I felt uneasy all of a sudden.

I exhaled out of annoyance as I sat on Hassy's bed for a while before finally saying; I think my Dad has killed my mum. This time tears rolling non stop from my eyes.

Subhanallah! Innalilahi! They both answered as they stared at me confusedly.

What makes you think that happened? Inayat further asked.

I sighed as I answered. They were having a fight, no I mean he was beating her then I heard a loud crash certainly of glasses, and my mum's reaction was a soft moan before the call ended. I said as I kept on crying.

Subhanallah! Sabeerah symphatised. Don't worry Aa'yat, it is going to be fine.

I don't think it is, this isn't his first time beating her and she has always denied the fact that she was sad. But this time, it feels as if she is tired of everything and can't hold it all in any longer. I said all out as they stared at me in awe.

What if she is dead???? Ahuzubillah but what if he killed her?? I asked as tears continued flowing.

Don't worry, In Sha Allah it is all going to be fine. Sabeerah comforted as she pated my shoulders.

Inayat on the other hand, parted my fingers before holding my hands as she comforted in her own words.
Stop crying okay, she is going to be fine. Allah is going to make it easy for her to bear.
Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…” (Qur'an, 2:286). She completed as we all nodded.

She is going to be fine okay. They both added as I wiped my tears.

I checked the time and it was minutes past six, it is too late for a journey to kaduna now. I would have gone to check how she was doing. I said as I stood up.

But we are having Biol315 test tomorrow. Sabeerah reminded and Inayat added with an ohhh yes.

So what do I do now??? I asked again as I let out a tear.

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