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        It is Thursday, so enable to fast okay. (Sunnah) May Allah (swt) accept our silent Duas. Ameen❤️💕

So, I decided this morning to add the tags Qur'an and Hijab, and we already ranked 15 and 30 respectively. Oh ya Allah, I am so happy.
I always feel encouraged and happy whenever I view the ranks.❤️💕
May Allah continue to increase us all in knowledge.
"Jazakumullahu khair❤️💕"

Aa'yat's POV

Are you in love with someone else? Or what? I asked causally.

"Please say no... Say no....."  I begged with my subconscious.

Yes I am. He answered yet calmly.

"Ouch💔, okay then" I added with my subconscious.

Who is she??? I fired back.

"Ya Allah please let it not be inny please.... My guesses shouldn't be right. I already started my journey to being a better muslimah, Grant me just this one wish."  I begged yet again.

Inayat Yusuf. He blurted out carelessly.

"This is it!!!! My heart aches already".....

What???? My roommate? I asked furiously.

Yes I guess.... He blurted yet again.

And you are even saying yes huh??..... I widened my eyes.

No, I mean yes... Uhmm it isn't what you think. He stammered as I walked furiously to my hostel.

He hurried after me as he said; Wait Aa'yat, it isn't what you think okay. Can you just wait and listen to me please. But I kept walking on.

We walked past social center and eyes were already trying to watch the little scene ongoing.

Please Aa'yat, for the sake of Allah. He begged once more and I halted.

For the sake of Allah it is I mouthed as I stood still till he caught up with me.

Thank you. He heaved a sigh of relief but I didn't even say a word.
I mean, I am pissed, real pissed! Not that I didn't see this coming, but I really didn't expect it to be true.

Listen to me okay. He started just as he stood somewhere close to me still maintaining a reasonable distance.

I don't need an explanation Junaid, I am not really pissed at you. I am pissed at myself, my life, my fate and everything!. I answered back.

I always knew you had a thing for her, I mean she is your style, so perfect and Ma Sha Allah. Anything someone like you would want in a lady. I added and he smiled.

Smiling huh? I asked fiercely.

No, I am sorry. He said as his smile faded instantly.

She is all you want. I continued. Whereas I on the other hand, just started my journey on becoming a better person. I lack in so many ways.... I sobbed silently as he cuts me off.

No Aa'yat, you aren't okay. And stop saying someone is perfect okay, only Allah (swt) is perfect. He comforted as I nodded back.
You are both pretty in your ways okay, so don't compare yourself to her. Never compare yourself to anyone. He completed.

But you don't want me. I pouted sadly. It is her you want. I added as I started walking again.

I like you Aa'yat, I do. He confessed and I paused.

That sounded a bit reliving I must say, but I still wasn't satisfied.

But you don't love me right??? I asked as I held my heartbreak in tightly.

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