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Aa'yat's POV

Junaid and I were left alone sited in the living room to tend to ourselves while uncle Bilal and Alhaji Malik went outside the compound in search of breathing spaces and of course, to discuss more.
Manusr on the other hand decided to hang around the whole house doing Allah knows what.

No, I can't just take this like that, you can't be my sibling, I can't be Junaida! I mean ya Allah, this is so shocking.
I came here with a clear mind of coming to see my lover and not my family! I shouted sadly.

He moved closer to where I sat, he placed his hand on my shoulder.
Aa'yat, I mean Junaida.... He started.

No, don't call me that for Allah's sake. I sobbed. My name is Aa'yat! I clearly stated out. I am not Junaida, I am not your lost sister! Didn't you say she was dead??? I queried as I wiped my tears and stared at him in the eyes.

Yes, didn't you say she died??? I asked again.
He looked straight back into my eyes, as if all the barriers were broken or taken down, as if he had the right to do so now. Ya Allah, he must really believe that I am his sister. My heart ached so badly at the thought of that.

Yes Aa'yat, I told you she died. But that was what we assumed, that was the conclusion the investigators drew, that was how we ended things. They all said perhaps she wasn't with her seatbelt on and then fell into the river just below.
Plus, when the search team searched the river banks and all, they found a little girl under the water already dead and face swollen beyond recognisation.
We had no choice Aa'yat!

How? How could you all just conclude I was dead huh??? I mean Junaida was dead!. I still find this hard to believe.
And what of the dress I was putting on, weren't you supposed to cross check it??? I fired back angrily.

Listen sis, everything must surely go according to Allah's plans, that is why after incidents have occurred, you begin to ask yourself, why didn't I do this, why didn't I do that, I should have done this, I should have done that.
So just calm down okay Junaida, I mean Aa'yat. He corrected.

I still can't believe you are my sister, I still can't believe it. He muttered as he pated my shoulders.

And how sure are you huh??? I won't believe all those lies until it is legally proved Junaid, I want a DNA test done. I cried out.

DNA test you said? He smiled and I nodded.
I really don't think there is a need for DNA test though, the way we felt drawn towards each other, which is very rare especially in my case. He started as I rolled my eyes in anger. The melon incident, which is a very rare family allergy, The blood group coincidence and lastly, uncle bilal's testimony. What else do you want to prove Aa'yat???
But if you still want a DNA test to be carried out, then I would talk to Dad about it. Our father Aa'yat.

Subhanallah, he is so right😭😭😭. He looked at me once again and said I have really missed you Junaida. He hugged me so tightly by my shoulders where I sat and I in turn stood and pulled him into a very tight hug.

Ma Sha Allah, his arms were just exactly how I imagined them to be, but I wanted to be wrapped in his arms as my husband and not my brother!!
I cried harder as I also planted kisses round his face which I have also been dying to do but of course now, excluding his lips😭.
Why????? Why me??? I love you Junaid!
I cried out.

I love you too Junaida. He cried back.

It is so sad that I just have to kill my feelings for Junaid here at this juncture, I remember praying to Allah (swt) endlessly to have him to myself, to have a permanent position no one would ever have, a space meant for me alone in his life. Subhanallah!
Being his blood sister and his twin is a position no one can ever take from me now, Alhamdulilah ya Allah, at least now I can be so close to him everyday❤️💕 but as my twin😪 as my brother.

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