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          Aa'yat's POV

It's been two weeks now and Habiba and I haven't really said anything to each other since the other day. She hardly even visited, checked up on me or called me for lectures anymore. She even barely attended lectures.

I want to go back to being so close to her but she even seem to not be wanting that.
I don't know how to explain it but I think she has been kind of distant.
Was I the only one expecting her to apologise to me???

Meanwhile, Junaid and I have been hanging out a lot lately and I can tell you this past weeks have being the best weeks of my life.
We mostly sat somewhat close together during lectures, and He always saw me off to my hostel whenever classes ended.
He has been so sweet to me even though whenever I made mention of having a relationship he always declined and threatened to cut ties with me if I back out from my end of the deal.

Today's lecture was on Zool335(Arthropoda and mollusca) and it was almost time. I got dressed and left for the class without even waiting if Habiba would show up or not. Besides, I am getting so used to my new friend or should I call him bestie so there was no point in forcing myself on another.

I entered the class and as usual quickly eye scanned for Junaid. I spotted him sitting close to his friend Mansur as always but in a row filled with his other male friends. They were all chatting and smiling. He quickly spotted me as I just stood admiring his handsome face.

How can someone's son be as cute as a hundred of guys????.....

I waved at him with a smile but his reaction was different. He just took a quick look at me and later continued talking to his friends.
Well,that was cold....
Why the sudden change????
Did I do something wrong????? I thought.

I wanted walking up to them but he shot me a warning glare which made me reconsider my attempt. I found somewhere empty close to some ladies so I just sat there still taken aback by what just happened.

After the class, everyone paired together as we all dashed out. The next class wasn't until an hour to come. So I just sat somewhere outside in wait for Junaid.

Minutes later, He came out alongside Mansur and I stood to meet them.
Junaid! I called but he didn't even turn back. I called out two more consecutive times but he didn't even flinch.
I let out a heavy exhale. I was getting angry.

I walked up to him and he halted.
What is wrong Aa'yat? Why were you calling after me like that? He asked.

Well of course he heard me, he just didn't want to answer.
What did I do wrong? I asked back.

I have to head somewhere fast. Mansur told him as he excused himself.

He pointed at somewhere gestured me to follow which I did. It was somewhere away from the crowds. We got to were I thought was convinient then I started.

Why have you been avoiding me Junaid?

And why wouldn't I? He queried.

But I didn't do anything wrong... Did I? I questioned.

Don't act all dumb Aa'yat... You are still doing what I cautioned you against. He calmly said.

Have you even started observing salats as promised?
You promised to change but look at you Aa'yat... His tone laced with disappointment.

I am trying to Junaid, but it is not as easy as it sounds.

Okay fine, look at this, you are wearing an Abaya. Fine, Ma Sha Allah. But take a look. He said as he pointed to my scarf.

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