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Days after Midsemester.......

                   Inayat's POV

Things have really been going so well for my roommates and I lately. The twins have been preparing for so many defenses and seminars, Sabeerah has fully moved to the hostel in preparation for tests and exams, and Aa'yat, has been so nicer and sweeter than ever as she saw no fault or held no sign of hurt whenever we corrected her on things she had to do as a muslimah.
Besides, we are all striving Muslimahs.
I hope things stay this way forever. Ameen.

We advised her severally to just join the Islamiyah and Haddah classes at the masjid here in Amina, It would enlighten her on few things she needs to know. But she always showed no sign of interest and said she needed time to think about it.

She has been attending several tafsir's with us this past days though.
I must admit the purest form of friendship is for the sake of Allah.

It is a Friday morning, "Yawmul Juma'at" and my classes weren't till 2pm after prayers, and it was going to be a lecture free day for the twin sisters. Sabeerah was also with us earlier, So we all went to the masjid for our Haddah revisions and also a Q and A session held every Fridays after revisions.

Assalamu Alaikum sisters, We have an aspiring student. She announced amongst us and that broke me out of my thought.

She was wearing a purple long hijab and looked as beautiful as ever.
With a wave and a smile from her, I quickly recognized who it was.

Aa'yat!!! I smiled as I called out.

             Aa'yat's POV

I woke from my after fajr sleep and it was 7:30 am on the dot. I stood to rinse my face and mouth before finally settling down to cook instant noodles.

I picked up my phone in search of pending messages and that was when I recalled I was having a discussion with Habiba before I went to bed last night.

I honestly didn't know what to tell her that was why.

I scrolled through the chats to see if I could really come up with something as a response to her.

Habiba: I went to Abdulsamad's place today and it was damn hot.

Me: Gist me sis, what happened? Caught him with another girl???

Habiba: No! Of course not! Is he crazy? He dares not to. I am his one and only, no rival.

Me: Lol I pity you sis. Just take it easy. So what happened?

Habiba: We had sex! It's not like this was the first time babe, I mean we have done it countless of times. But this, this was so different. I felt alive for the first time in my life.

Me: Subhanallah! I mean this is crazy!

Habiba: I know right. It really felt good.

Me: No, I was talking about the pre marital sex of a thing. And what was that huh? Countless times?? You gotta be kidding me sis.

Habiba: Here we go again, what is wrong now???

Me: Everything. Have some self respect Babe.

Habiba: what is wrong with you? Why always acting naive? He is my man for god's sake. What is wrong with that?

Me: He isn't your man Babe! He hasn't put a ring on your finger yet! Anything can happen at anytime. Plus Islamically that is the law. You aren't supposed to sleep with any other man apart from your husband.

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