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Assalamualikum guys💕, I am so tired of updating Ya Allah😭 it is stressful. I have been so busy and would be very busy starting now, so I just want to finish this up and let it go.😪

Na'am Thank you so much ummahs, we got to 1k reads💕❤️
"Jazakumullahu Khair"🌹🌹🌹

     Aa'yat's POV

I woke up to two missed calls from my mum as I stood from my after fajr sleep. I was in my room I have been sleeping in for the past 2 days. Yes, Junaid, Mansur and I have been staying with my Dad for two days now, today being the third.

In Sha Allah tomorrow, we would head back to school in order to prepare and round up things as per final year students.

Assalamualikum Mum, I greeted as she picked my call on the third ring.

Wa'Alaikum Salam Aa'yat, how are you? She queried with a hint of sadness in her voice.

I am fine Alhamdulilah mum, but what about you? Are you okay? You don't sound okay. I said all out.
How is your baby doing? I added.

Alhamdulilah Aa'yat, I am so sorry I haven't been updating you constantly this days, reasons because I didn't want to bother you. Besides, I have been doing fine here with your grandma.

It is okay mum. I smiled out.

So what is wrong now, talk to me for Allah's sake. I queried yet again.

Okay, I went for scanning a month ago because I was having severe contractions, there I was told I was expecting twins. She started.

Alhamdulilah mum, that is a very good news. Then why are you sad??? I queried.

There has been no history of twins in our family as it is very rare, but Alhamdulilah I am so happy my dear. She smiled calmly.

Na'am mum, you have told me that before plus is that what is making you sad??
I am not surprised though, I recently just found out I have a twin. I sadly answered.

What??? A twin???
You mean you have found your real family huh? She queried surprisingly.

Na'am mum, I nodded.
We would talk about that when I come visiting In sha Allah okay.

Hmmmm Ameeen. She sighed.

You are yet to tell me what is wrong mum, Please for Allah's sake I am so curious, I need to know.

Aa'yat, your dad wants to issue a divorce as soon as possible. I heard rumours of it from his friends wives, but I didnt take it serious not until he sent me a text this morning regarding it. Saying he would be coming over to your grandma's at 10:00am.

I took a quick check at the time on my phone and it was 8:31. I should be able to prepare and make it in time. I thought.

I am so confused Aa'yat, what do I do??? Your Dad doesnt even know I am expecting his child yet, he never for once even visited me. I heard he just came back from a business trip he took to Japan.
And of all gifts to bring back, it had to be a divorce???  She said all out crying.

Mum, you just have to take it easy okay, I am coming to see you in an hour In sha Allah. You just have to stay strong till I get there, remember putting your health at risk at this stage is also putting your baby's. I calmed.

Thank you so much my baby girl. And what was that about finding your real parents huh? How did it happen? Tell me the real story, I am listening. She smiled.

That is my mum for you, nothing ever weighs her down, she always knows how to adjust to moods no matter the circumstances.
"Oh ya Allah, guide her towards the right path, and protect her from all evils"

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