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Aa'yat's POV

She welcomed my question with a warm smile as she began.

Handling sexual urge before marriage.
If a person cannot marry soon after becoming sexually and mentally mature, then how should he or she handle sexual urge??? She asked with a smile as silenced filled everywhere.

We have three ways which are;
1) Immoral ways
2) Lawful temporary ways
And lastly marriage.

1) Immoral ways
A. Pre-Marital sex
         Pre-Marital sex is forbidden in Islam, no matter whether it is with a girlfriend or a prostitute. Pre-Marital sex is forbidden. (Zina).
It is also an irresponsible sexual behavior, there is no responsibility involved in such relationships. The most vulnerable person in such relationships is the woman.

I read on an Islamic blog once that;
A twenty-four year old lady wrote the following in a letter to Ann Landers;
...... The teenager said she knew lots of girls her age who had several partners ' just for the fun of it'. I found that odd because I was having sex at 16 and it was no fun at all. Sleeping with guys wasn't exciting or thrilling, it was degrading. It made me feel lonelier and emptier than ever. I also worried from month to month about being pregnant. That could be a real hell. I would love to tell all the young girls out there that teenage sex doesn't solve problems, it creates more. It doesn't make a girl feel loved, it makes her feel cheap. I'd let them know that it doesn't make a girl more of a woman but less of one.
Having said that,

Allah says;
     Do not go near adultery, surely it is an indecency, and an evil way of fulfilling sexual urge. (17:32)

Fornication and adultery have severely been condemned in the saying of the prophet and Imams.

Pre-Marital sex is a sin punishable by the Islamic court. If an unmarried man and an unmarried woman are found guilty of formication in an Islamic court, their punishment will be as the following:
  The woman and the man who fornicate scourge each of them a hundred whips; and let no tenderness of them seize you if you believe in God and the last day, and let a party of believers witness their punishment. (24:2)

If the unmarried man or woman commit fornication more than once, then they will be punished three times by hundred wipes, and if they are proven guilty for the fourth time, then they will be put to death.

(As for adultery, it's punishment is even severe because married persons have no excuse whatsoever, to commit adultery.
The shariah says that married persons guilty of adultery should be stoned to death.

Therefore, Pre-Marital sex is out of the question as s means of fulfilling sexual urge.

B) Masturbation.
     In Islamic terminology, masturbation (Istimna) means self-stimulation of the sexual organ till one achieves emission of semen or orgasm. Masturbation in form of self_stimulation is forbidden.
     "The believers are those who protect their sexual organs except from their spouses. Therefore, whosoever seeks more beyond that (In sexual gratification), then they are transgressors."

Masturbation is a sin for which a person can also be punished by the Islamic court. Of course, the nature of the punishment is upon the judge's discretion.

Once a person was caught masturbating and was brought to Imam 'Ali. The Imam punished him by beating his hands until it turned red, then he made arrangements for his marriage on government expenses.

These days some scientists are telling us that there is no harm in masturbation, rather it is a natural act. To prove that it is natural, they give examples of some wild animals, like monkeys. Actually they represent those who have gone to other extreme of sexual morality. They have degraded human being to the level of wild animals, and then justify their deeds by finding examples in the animal world. They are, in Quranic expression,
      "Like cattle, nay they are may astray; they are the heedless ones".

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