Chapter 5

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I shifted in my chair, my eyes swirling around the secretary's office. Some more students walked by, the memories from Friday making me groan. More specifically, the lack of memories from said Friday.

I just knew I woke up in my bed with the biggest headache, a snoring Sophia laying next to me. When she had woken up, she had apologized about a hundred times for leaving me alone at the party. Although it wasn't exactly smart I went around alone, it wasn't her fault that I had drank so much. That was completely on me.

She then told me she had been looking around for me like crazy until Liam had called her, telling her how he had found me hanging over a toilet bowl, throwing up.

Great first impression right?

He had brought the both of us back to my house and had even carried me upstairs. Long story short; I made an absolute fool of myself.

I sighed and shook my head as I thought about it. I would say I'm never drinking so much again but we all know that's a lie...

"Miss Clark", I looked up at the secretary, quickly jumping out of my seat. As if I hadn't already fucked up enough this weekend, I decided to come in late today...

She adjusted her glasses, her lips slightly moving as she wrote on a little paper.

"So, we registered your application for the debate team and you should be able to jump in next week", she spoke, her lips turning up as she looked at me.

"Great, thank you miss", I didn't really care much for the extracurriculars but sadly enough, it was highly advised at this school.

"I wanted to ask though", she started again "I noticed you followed journalism at your previous school. You know you could have joined that class instead, right?"

My breath came out shaky, my hands grabbing onto the desk as his words rang loudly through my head.

"You realise it was stupid for you that join that class, right?" I looked away from him.

"Just writing a few pages, doesn't mean you're a journalist little rose", a ripping sound rang through the air, the papers I had put so much effort in swirling to the floor. A lone tear fell from my eye, soon joining the pieces on the floor.

"You're acting ridiculous", I flinched as his fingers clutched around my chin "This just isn't for you, darling"

This just wasn't for me...

I swallowed "Okay"

I sighed, shaking myself out of it. Ignoring the look the secretary gave me, I quickly forced the corners of my mouth up "I know, I guess it just wasn't for me"

"Very well then, you may go", she nodded, handing me a form "But next time, try to be on time"

I pushed away the heavy feeling that tucked at my chest, replacing the forced smile with a genuine one "I'll try my best miss"

I pushed the little paper in my bag, sighing as I turned the leave the office. I'll probably be back here in a few days. I don't know who invented the snooze button but it honestly doesn't work out for me.

I walked out of the room, my teeth harshly biting down my lips as I walked straight into someone.

"God, I'm so so-"

"Ella?", I almost choked as I looked up at Liam. Oh boy, of course I had to run into him... I shifted a step back, my gaze not going up to meet his. I really had thought I would have more time to prepare for this...

"There's our party girl", I glanced up at Adam who stood next to Liam "It was really sad you had to leave so soon on Friday"

My eyes narrowed to a glare as he smirked, casually placing his hands in his pockets. Is it wrong to want to punch him in the face? Because I personally think he's got a really punchable face...

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