Chapter 30

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For my first dare, I thought I was being smart. I thought it would leave no place for debate but yet again he was one step ahead...

-I dare you to just wear only black to school today

I typed, knowing it was kind of cheaty but I didn't care.

-That's not really fair, is it?– unknown

-Are you refusing the dare?

I smirked and started thinking of ways he could possibly avoid being caught now.

-Fine but don't do your victory dance just yet– unknown

I smirked and lazily rolled out of bed, getting ready for the day.

When I arrived at school however I was ready to start cursing at everyone and everything.

I had spotted Alex rather quickly and smirked in victory when I saw him just dressed in black. The feeling didn't stay long however as not even a second later, I saw Matthew walking by dressed in black as well. And it wasn't just Matthew.

Oliver, Eric, Daniel, James, Adam, Ethan, Liam, William and more... All dressed in fucking black.

I don't know how he managed this but almost every male was wearing black.

First dare, failed...


Two days later, I tried again.

-During lunch, I dare you to walk into the principals office and steal the little nameplate from his desk

Not a chance he's getting away from this one. How? If he doesn't get caught by me, who going to be patiently watching the door from a distance, then he'll most definitely get caught by principal Davis.

-You're crazy but sure, I'll do it. A little mischief doesn't hurt ;)– unknown

-Good luck

I had typed and followed all my classes until lunch came. Sophia and I had positioned ourselves on the stairs directed a little way from the door but we still had a full view of the door. We waited there for 10, 20, 30 minutes and except for principal Davis leaving two times to get coffee, we didn't see anyone going in or out. He still has 20 minutes

I was slowly starting to think he was just gonna skip the dare until I received another message.

-Check your locker :)– unknown


I rapidly stood up, Sophia doing the same and almost ran over to my locker. Opening it, I couldn't feel more confused to see the nameplate in it.

"How even?" Sophia commented and I took my phone again.

-That's not possible –

-It is but you should have told me to use the door – unknown

He's got to be kidding me...

-You went through the window, didn't you?

-Bingo – unknown


So by Friday, my brain was hurting like crazy.

It might look easy to come up with these dares to expose him but think about it.

It has to be dare that doesn't directly expose him yet at the same time it has to expose him. You see the problem?

"Let's just drop it and see tomorrow", I frustratedly ran my hands through my hair as Sarah, Sophia, Ashley and I were trying to come up with the third and last dare. We were all seated around my coffee table, wrapped in blankets with some music playing in the background. The three of us has explained the situation to Ashley as best as we could.

"You know, this could all be easier if someone would just tell us who it was", Sophia said, her eyes darting to Sarah who just chuckled.

"Just admit it's Alex already", she tried again but Sarah shook her head "I'm not spoiling shit".

"I'm pretty sure it's Alexander as well though", Ashley said, making all our heads turn her way.

"You said that this person brought you to the bathroom the first day of school, right?" Ashley started and I nodded confusedly.

"I do remember seeing Alexander carrying someone to the bathroom but I can't say that I'm sure it was you", she answered and made my suspicions grow even more.

"Are you sure?" Sophia asked and Ashley nodded. That's can't be a coincidence.

"We'll just see what happens tomorrow and do something else tonight", I told them, rubbing ma face before turning to Sarah "At least that way you'll join".

"What do you have in mind?" she spoke, pulling the blanker tighter around her. I diverted my gaze and thought for a few moments. What do girls do on sleepovers? Gossip, eat, drink and talk about boys.

That's it.

"Let's talk about Sophia's amazing matchmaking skills I still need to witness", I told Sophia and she instantly started pouting.

"Fine, who do you want me to match?" she spoke, crossing her arms over her chest. I turned to Ashley with a smile and I saw her slightly tense the moment she noticed what I was thinking about.

"Ashley and Liam".

"Ella, it's not that easy. He thinks I'm an awful person", Ashley said, playing with the side of the blanket.

"No, we can work with that", Sophia suddenly scooted closer to Ashley "Really?"

"Of course. He liked you once, we just have to show him what he's missing now"

"And you're probably gonna tell us how?" Sarah asked, clearly amused by Sophia enthusiasm.

"Yes but I'm hungry", she spoke, making Sarah roll her eyes.

"Let's go make dinner and then you can tell me all about your plan", Ashley pulled Sophia up, almost dragging her into the kitchen. Those two are actually a lot alike.

I just exchanged a look with Sarah and got up as well. We took the cups from the table and I momentarily stopped when I saw my phone screen light up.

"I'll be right there", I handed Sarah the cups and she took them "Okay".

She turned around and walked out of the room, joining the other two in the kitchen.

-Am I going to have to wait long for your last dare?– unknown

-Don't you worry, you're getting one tomorrow at the party

-Sure, but you better use it wise this time Clark– unknown

I sighed and started typing my reply. No way you're tricking me a third time mister.

"Shut up, you're just making it worse", I heard Ashley yell followed by Sophia "Like that's even possible".

A smile came to my face and I put my phone away to go to my friends.

"ELLAA", Sarah's yell made chuckle, quickening my pace.


Unknown p.o.v.

-I will. See you tomorrow Charming– Ella

I smirked and leaned back. She getting close isn't she...

I can't help but feel nervous about that as well though. I might not be the best in relationships but just the thought of having something special with her feels frightening yet intriguing at the same time.

I guess we'll just have to wait till tomorrow.

I'll see you soon Clark.


Any last guesses before the big reveal? Make sure to let me know xxx

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