Chapter 34

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-Come outside, bring a jacket – Daniel

I read the text as I sat in my bed, some movie playing on my laptop.

Is he seriously here? At freaking 11.30 on a school night? It's not that I wouldn't dare to go out it's just that some girls need their sleep.

It's me, I am some girls...

-What are you planning? –

I texted back and slowly hopped out of bed, approaching the window. He was really there, leaning against his motorcycle as his eyes were cast down to his phone. He looked irresistibly good though.

-Come outside and find out – Daniel

Well shit, can I even go out like this? I looked down at the sweatshirt and leggings I was wearing and sighed.

-Do I have to change clothes? –

-Nope, just make sure to wear a coat – Daniel

I rolled my eyes and took out a random coat from my dresser, putting it on. I quietly made it down and opened the door, his eyes shooting up to meet mine.

"You came", a smile came to his face, like he was actually happy to see me.

"Yeah, so don't give me a reason to run back inside", I smiled back at him as I unintentionally skipped over his way.

"Not making any promises", he winked and handed me a helmet. I hesitantly took it, my eyes looking between him and the motorcycle. Is this a good idea?

"Is it even yours?" I motioned to the bike and he started laughing "Are you accusing me of stealing, Clark?"

"Is it?" I asked again and he nodded "More or less".

I know it isn't nice to assume things but I'm not joining in whatever illegal activities he might or might not involve himself with. I was just happy he didn't take it the wrong way.

"Come on", I looked back up at him and he was already sitting on the bike, patting the spot behind him. Oh boy...

After half a minute of debating with myself, I put the helmet on and got on as my hands instantly tightly circled his waist.

"Ready?" he asked with a chuckle and I made a small sound that was supposed to resemble a yes. Jeez, stop being a pussy Ella.

"Hold on tight", I heard him say before the sound of the bike roamed around us.

When the bike came to a stop, I finally opened my eyes that were securely closed during the whole trip. I already felt bad as I was pretty certain my grip left bruises.

"See, that wasn't that bad", Daniel started but laughed the instant he noticed my face.

"Damn, Clark. You look like a ghost", he chuckled and gently pulled the helmet of my head, hanging it on the bike.

"I'm okay", I nodded as I slowly got off, my legs still feeling slightly wobbly. I'll take it, I'm a pussy.

I felt him take my hand and that's when I started to take in my surroundings. I should be sorta cautious or scared that he took me to a foresty area but I didn't. I felt safe with him.

"Where are we?" I asked as we left the little gravel road and stepped into an open field.

"This is kind of like my thinking space", he told me before turning with a smirk towards me "You should feel really honoured".

I chuckled and shook my head "I feel absolutely blessed, charming".

As I said that, I couldn't help but see the little blush and smile that came to his face with the nickname. How could he look so rough one time and adorable the other. It was a complete mystery to me.

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