Chapter 51

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Daniels p.o.v.

"But I dare you" "I dare you to let me go"

Those words had cut through me like a knife and left me with a wound deeper than any I had ever had before. Of all ways, she decided to end it like the way it started...I thought I would be happy when I would finally see her again yet I had hated every single moment of it. My heart broke when I found her so close to someone else but the moment I heard her say the name 'Nathan', I just lost it.

Rachel had insisted that we'd go to her place to cheer me up but I declined and went to a local bar instead. We've known each other for years now and she had always been there for me but I had to be alone for now, and drinks would surely help. It seemed my wish wasn't really going through though as one of the bartenders spoke up while pouring me another drink "How's your mother doing?"

I annoyingly looked up at him and sighed as I recognized him. Yes, I had been coming here from a very young age, most of the times because of the situation with my mother so of course that's why he would think I was here. It's funny though. Ever since Ella, there hadn't been a single time I had stepped foot in this place. I didn't need the drinks to forget or to drink the pain away.

I went to her and she comforted me without even knowing it. She had become my safe space...

"It isn't his mom this time", I rolled my eyes as I heard the stool next to me being pulled out, Oliver calmly taking a seat. I just want to be alone, why don't they understand that...

"What's got you looking like that then, son", the bartender confusedly asked, pouring some liquor in a glass for Oliver as well. Totally ignoring his question, I put my glass to my lips and tiredly closed my eyes as the liquor slowly burned my throat.

"It's a girl", I threw Oliver a glare but he paid no attention to it as he just looked at the bartender.

"A girl? A girl's got our Daniel looking like that?" could he act anymore shocked? Yes a fucking girl got me like this... I tightly clammed my fist together as I just focused my gaze in front of me, calming myself as these two dimwits continued.

"I know right, it surprised all of us too", Oliver casually explained and my hand was slowly turning white as my grip tightened. What the fuck is he thinking? That this is helping me? If so then he's even more stupid than I originally thought.

"So were they together?" Shut up

"They would never say they were but I knew they were crazy about each other" Shut the fuck up

"Jeez, it's crazy how a girl could get him likes this, I don't have any words for it" That's it

"You know what, I do have a word for that", I angrily yelled, earning the room to go quiet.

"Love, I fucking love her", I added and the both of them quietly stared at me. I've known for a while now but saying it out loud made it so much more real. I loved her, I loved her from the very fucking beginning and now she's gone. Back in the grasp of the nightmare I intended to protect her from and it just sickens me.

No other words got spoken and I sighed, sitting back down. The bartender awkwardly moved on to some other costumers and I moved to grab my glass but my hand got roughly slammed back down.

"What the fuck Oliver", I spoke and I sharply turned to him, my glare focused on my best friend.

"Listen to me now buddy", he put his hands on my shoulders and stared right back at me with a serious expression "No matter what, don't you dare give up on her"

My glare turned to a frown as he said that. I won't give up on her, ever...

But still, it breaks my heart to have her walk away from me and I don't know how many times I will be able to take it.

"What do I do?" I hated how desperate I sounded. I wasn't used to being like this when others were there, though with her it always felt natural. I missed her...

"I think you have to work that out yourself man", I softly nodded my head as the both of us grabbed our glasses, downing it in one go.

"Just help me with one thing", I turned my head his way and he nodded "No matter what happens or how things turn out, we have to make sure Nathan get's locked up for what he did"

And I meant that. Even if she would have been deeply in love with Nathan which obviously wasn't the case, anyone with eyes could see it wasn't. Even then, I still wouldn't allow the fucker to walk around freely and definitely not so close to her.

"Agreed", Oliver spoke determined and right now there was only one thing on my mind. I have to see her

I pushed myself of the chair and Oliver looked up from his drink, raising his brow at me "Where are you going?"

I guess he quickly found an answer as he lightly nodded his head in understanding "You're going to her"

He wasn't my best friend for nothing, of course he would know.

"Good luck man", a raised his drink at me and I waisted no time in getting out of there and to my bike.

I'm coming for you Clark

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