Chapter 6

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"Come one Sophia, just like old times"

"I don't know Sarah"

"Just sit with us. Ella wants to come too, right?" both girls turned to me.

"Leave me out of it", I held my hands up as I leaned back against the lockers. It's lunch break and these two have been arguing about this for 15 minutes straight now, Sarah insisting we sat with her group for lunch.

"It's no big deal, you know all of us anyway", Sarah pushed.

"You know it's about a lot more than that", Sophia answered as they continued bickering. I honestly am really thankful I got this immediate welcome and made friends but these two are damn tiring...

I turned my focus away, glancing around the hallway as students happily chatted with each other on their way to the cafeteria. I looked around for anyone acting suspicious but always ended up with weird looks. Understandable though, I was practically staring down the whole hallway.

"Hey Ella", I turned to my right and saw Liam walking by, followed by Adam and a guy I didn't know.

"Hey Liam", I answered back and the most charming smile came to his face, a smile that lit up his whole face. I had rolled my eyes before when I heard some girls say they almost faint whenever he's around but holy fuck, I get it.

He ran a hand through his golden locks and it felt like it played out in slow motion as I stood there, completely motionless. I could do nothing but stare at him and when he finally passed me, I noticed I wasn't the only one staring. I don't even think he realises the effect he has on people...

"Hey there sweet cheeks", Adam said, his signature smirk plastered on his face as he passed me, following after his friend. Still an asshole I see...

"That did not just happen", I turned to Sarah as her mouth hung wide open, staring into the direction the guys just disappeared.

"What?", I stared at them confused.

"Liam is a sweetheart and all but he doesn't just say hey to someone in the hallway. Unless they greet him first of course", Sarah explained, my eyes slightly narrowing. I don't get it, what's the big deal?

"Let's not forget the hearts that were practically flying out of his eyes", Sophia's smile was curved all the way up as she clasped her hands together, her voice making a few heads turn.

"It was nothing", I told her quietly but her happy expression didn't waver.

"Aaaw, Liam has a crush on Ella", Sophia mused loudly, amusement written all over her face. Is she crazy? I've spoken to the guy like maybe three times...

My gaze switched from Sophia to Sarah, both expression mirroring each other. I groaned, looking away from the two. They're not gonna let this go, are they?

I sighed "Can we just go eat now?"

"Yes, and we're going to my table", Sarah answered, directing the last part towards Sophia.

"Fine", Sophia mumbled, her smirk changing to a pout as she let Sarah drag us after her.

The cafeteria was pretty big, filled with long tables and long benches connected to them. The whole room was filled with loud chatter and laughter, each group completely immersed in their own conversation.

"Fuck yeah, Sarah. You just brought my two favorite people in the whole world", Oliver voice sounded through the cafeteria.

"Idiot", I heard Sophia's mutter and we soon stepped up to the table. Jason huffed as he noticed Sophia and I next to Sarah and the glare on his face didn't go unmissed by me. This guy doesn't like me very much and I just know it.

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