Chapter 52

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"For fucks sake Ella, you're room's a mess", Sophia commented but I didn't care and just threw myself face down on my bed.

Seconds later Sarah fell into the bed next to me "We already cleaned the whole downstairs yesterday, I don't give a rats ass about the room"

A sigh sounded in the room before I heard stuff being moved around.

"Guess I'll do it on my own then", I heard Sophia murmur and I turned my head to the side, Sarah staring right back at me with a smile.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly and I nodded my head softly "Thanks to you guys"

It would break my heart regardless if I found out who the insider was but if it was one of these two girls, I honestly wouldn't know what I'd do.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it but you know I would beat Nathan's ass if you asked me to, right?" I chuckled and nodded my head as she said it. Her expression suddenly turned more serious, the playfulness in her voice completely gone "Just be careful Ella"

"I will", she softly pulled me in for a hug, our legs wrapping around each other. I couldn't help but chuckle as we both laid there, limps tangled into each other.

"A groups hug without me?" I lightly raised my head as Sophia stood there with her arms crossed over her chest and a big pout on her face. Sarah and I simultaneously held an arm open and Sophia took no time jumping in the hug, crushing us in the process.

"Auch", Sarah voice sounded from under Sophia and I chuckled as Sophia answered "That's for excluding me"

She pulled slightly back and nestled herself better between us, the three of us laying there staring up at the ceiling.

"I missed this", Sarah spoke with a sigh, Sophia patting her leg "Same girl"

I tiredly nodded my head and I closed my eyes as I yawned.

"You tired?" Sarah asked and I nodded again, my eyes staying closed.

"It's late anyway, we should go", Sophia sat up straight and widely stretched her arms out before hopping of the bed.

"You better be at school tomorrow", I opened an eye to see Sarah up as well, pointing a finger at me. Closing my eyes again, I snuggled myself deeper in the blankets "Yeah yeah"

I heard them chuckle before Sophia voice sounded again "Good night Ella"

"Goodnight", I replied and about a minute later I heard the front door close. God, who knew how tiring today would be. I just want to fall asleep and forget this day even happened.

My thoughts drifted to the text conversation I had earlier. We had made up a potential plan to catch the insider but I've got a bad feeling about it. It would just be so much easier if we actually knew who it was...

I groaned in my pillow as I suddenly heard knocking on the door downstairs. Whatever, I'm not in the mood to open the door. For a minute it was quiet and I contently closed my eyes again only for the knocking to start again. Fucking damnit. Who the fuck would go around knocking on doors at midnight? Oh, I know. Fucking annoying people. The sound rang through the whole house and I angrily threw the blankets of me, stomping my feet downstairs. I swear to fucking god, this better be good.

I rolled my eyes when the knocking got worse and groaned before swinging the door open "What?"

My glare quickly disappeared as my eyes met with some familiar brown ones.

"Daniel?" he had me frozen on my spot, daring me to look away "You shouldn't be here Daniel"

He took slow steps closer and I quickly backed up, my heartbeat quickly going up "I know"

You can't let him in Ella, he can't be here.

"There isn't anything to talk about right now", I said slightly panicked as he threw the front door closed behind him, his eyes never leaving mine. My eyes widened as I felt the cold surface of the wall behind me, leaving me completely cornered.

"Then let's not", he spoke in a whisper, resting both his hands at my sides on the wall. I knew I should push him off yet I couldn't.

"What?" I gulped as his face came closer and closer until he was only a breath away, my body completely heating up by his gaze.

"Let's not talk", his eyes left mine and before I could fully process it, his lips were tightly pressed against mine. God, I missed him. I couldn't though, I really couldn't...

"Daniel", I tried to push him gently, I had to, and he shortly pulled back, instantly drowning me in his eyes "Shh, no talking"

His lips were back on mine in a second and I couldn't stop myself from kissing him back this time, even if I wanted to I couldn't.

He pressed himself completely against me while his hand slowly trailed up my bare arm, leaving a burning trail of sparks wherever they touched, completely making me forget how to breath.

His lips slowly left mine and slowly moved from my cheek, to my jaw and settled on my neck. My skin felt on fire with every touch his lips made as everything else around us seemed to evaporate, like we were the only two that mattered.

My hands made their way in to his luscious locks to pull him even closer, making a groan come from him that had my knees go weak.

His mouth softly moved to my ear, pressing a kiss there before I felt his hot breath blow against it.

"Jump", he whispered lowly and I waisted no time wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, his arms holding me up like it was nothing.

He held me securely pressed against him and for a second we just stared at each other, no other sound than our rapid breathing. We shouldn't be doing this...

"Don't talk", he begged me with his eyes as if he had read my thoughts and I didn't.

This time I was the one to connect my lips back to his and the grip on my thighs tightened. Our lips moved together desperately, like they knew it might be the last time and that thought made me cling on to him even harder. Daniel effortlessly pushed us off the wall and walked us upstairs with ease, all while still kissing me. I loudly gasped as he dropped me on the mattress and I made myself look away. I can't do this, I can't...

I felt him slowly crawl over me, his hands instantly coming to rest on my cheeks.

"Eyes on my Clark", the moment my eyes met with his again, the last bit of strength I had to push him away completely disappeared and I let myself completely get lost in his entrancing gaze "Just on me"

"Always", I whispered and his eyes shinned brighter than the sun as we both stayed absolutely still, no word spoken. My heartbeat rapidly raised as his hand slowly lowered until it reached the edge of my dress. His eyes looked back into mine and I softly nodded my head "I trust you"

And I did trust him, from the beginning to the end. There wasn't a single moment where I even doubted it.

Everything about it had felt gentle, aggressive, sweet yet rough. It was like all the emotions off the past week suddenly came building up and completely exploded around us.

It had left me feeling absolutely euphoric, maybe even more so than the first time but the moment it ended, so did the feeling of happiness. I slowly detangled myself from him and I found nothing but sadness in his eyes before I swiftly turned my back to him "You should go"

"I know", I heard him sigh and harshly bit my bottom lip as my eyes filled with tears.

I heard the rumbling of clothing and put my arms tightly around myself, trying to calm my sobs. I don't want him to go, ever...

I quickly wiped my tears as I felt his presence behind me but he didn't make a move to turn me around. I felt his breathing on my neck before he softly pressed a kiss there "I'm not letting go Clark, I need you to know that"

I softly nodded my head and just like that, his warmth slowly went away, shortly followed by the sound of the front door. And that's all it took for me to fall to the floor as tears uncontrollably fell from my eyes. 

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