Chapter 19

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"So where the hell are you?" I asked, scanning my surroundings again. It's cold and I'm pretty sure people are gonna find me suspicious if I keep doing this.

"The entrance, where are you?" Matthew answered through the phone. Matthew and I were going to see the movie today, that is if we find each other in time. Liam and I still went to eat together earlier before he dropped me of here. That was like 15 minutes ago.

"I'm standing at the entrance", I stated yet again, feeling like I'm going insane.

"So am I. I'm standing close to the counters", Matthew said and I could roll my eyes.

"You're inside at the entrance?" I asked.

"You were standing outside, weren't you?" I hung up the phone and walked through the door, spotting him immediately. That was the dumbest shit ever...

He started laughing when I walked his way giving him a glare. I looked beside him and saw Oliver standing there as well.


"Yeah, this dimwit insisted he came too. Hope you don't mind", Matthew explained to me and I shook my head.

"Of course she wouldn't mind", Oliver said and threw an arm tightly around me shoulder.

"Yeah, but she does", Matthew spoke, pointing to girl I had never seen before. She had a big scowl on her face and was angrily glaring at me.

"Who's that?"

"Since you were 'late', Oliver spend his time getting her number", Matthew told me.

"But I don't think she'll call him back", he chuckled, softly laughing at Oliver.

"Doesn't matter, she's got nothing on you", he winked at me, making me want to roll my eyes and I threw his arm off "You're an idiot".

"You know, I really think I'll just change my name to idiot since people prefer that over Oliver", he told us fake hurt but I wasn't fooled.

"Let's just go buy tickets, I can practically still feel your girl burning holes in my face like she's ready to pounce on me", I said as I had seen her still staring at me. Jeez, chill out chick.

"I'd love to see you fight her", Oliver said excitingly while Matthew just shook his head and went to the counter for the tickets.

"I'm not gonna fight a random chick just because you'd love to see that", I told him.

"You wouldn't fight for me?" he pouted, giving me big puppy eyes.

"If needed, I'd fight for you but I won't fight over you"

"You're breaking my heart here, Ella", he started whining.

"Didn't know you had one", Matthew mocked as he came back with the tickets and the three of us started walking.

"True, it belongs to all the ladies", Oliver responded, winking at me again. Someone put this guy on a leash.

"Don't know about you, but I'm just gonna ignore that comment", Matthew looked at me and I instantly nodded

"Can we go get snacks?" I motioned to the food stalls we passed.

"But you brought snacks", Oliver said and I felt my soul leave my body when he pointed between Matthew and himself.

"I'm down with ignoring that comment as well", Matthew made me nod again.

The movie ended up scaring the living shit out of me and I was really glad the guys let me sit in the middle. The three of us made our way out the theatre for some food, cause who doesn't like some late night snacking?

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