Chapter 12

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"You're an idiot, did you know", Ethan said when he finished reading my texts.

"You should have just told me and then I could have helped you" He was right.

"I know", I looked down feeling guilty. Next time I really got to put a little more thought in my plan.

"So that's what your text with Matthew was about?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't hate me completely for snooping in his phone.

"Allright, I'll tell you a secret if you promise to not snoop next time and just be honest with me", he said looking at me.


"Okay, so I might have this little crush on Jaso-"

"Oh my god, really?" I interrupted him. I don't know why but the image of them together in my head was just adorable.

"Can I go on now?" he said sternly, but you could see a small smile playing on his lips.

I nodded and he cleared his throat before continuing.

"I had asked Matthew to do some digging you know. He told me he'd help me but that I had a way better shot if I asked Sarah but I don't know her that well so I asked him to not tell her anything" So that's what the text was about. I'm an idiot...

We both stayed quiet for a little longer, me trying to not space out too much.

"I totally ship it though", I concluded and lazily turned my head to him which made him chuckle.

"How much did you drink?" he asked stepping to the sink and filling a glass with water.

"Probably too much", I told him and he handed me the water.

"Thanks", I gulped down the water and looked back up at him. This is honestly a friend everyone should wish for.

"I'm really sorry Ethan"

"Don't worry about it. Just remember our promise", he reminded me and I nodded closing my eyes for a few seconds. I really have to outsmart this dipshit. I can't go around pointing fingers at all of them.

"And look who have here", I heard Ethan say. I opened my eyes and saw the two idiots who were supposed to be on watch standing in the doorway.

"Sorry", they said in unison.

"It wasn't him", I told them shrugging.

"I didn't really suspect him anyway", Sarah said.

"Are you kidding me? Why did you let me do this then?"

"Just to be sure", she stated. I shook my head at the two, feeling my phone beep again. Whatever, ....

I took my phone out, and looked besides me again to check one last time. It really isn't Ethan...

-I'm really not sure if you passed the dare- unknown

So he saw that...

-I did what you asked so...-

-Fine, but next time your little friends can't intervene tho- unknown

No shit Sherlock.

-I can life with that-

-Anyway, enjoy the rest of the party. Be safe okay? - unknown

-I will. Plus, I have prince charming watching me remember? –

-That you do. Goodnight Ella – unknown

Goodnight Charming...

I put my phone back in my pocket and saw Ethan, Sarah and Sophia talking. I really need some air. I walked out of the kitchen and through the hallway, not paying too much attention to all the activities going on there. I turned the corner and saw some sliding door leading to a patio. Perfect.

I pulled the door open and stepped out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't know anyone was here"

"It's allright. Please, stay", Liam said as his eyes perfectly reflected the moonlight. He patted the spot next to him and I went to sit down after closing the sliding door.

"I'm sorry for earlier", I said, not really looking up at him. I had kind of hoped I could avoid him for tonight.

"I'm not" he told me and I felt myself grow super nervous. I can't do this.

"I should pr-"

"Why do you do that?" he interrupted me when I started to stand up and I hesitantly sat back down.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Shut yourself off", he said and I could see the compassion in his eyes.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"It's my dad", I started and he looked at me, patiently waiting for me to continue.

"When I was younger, he was my everything. I looked up to him like he was the greatest person alive"

"What happened?"

"When I was little I never noticed but as I grew older I started seeing things. At first it were the bruises that my mother had every once in a while or that she had these big mood swings. Then I started waking up when he'd come home, completely drunk. He'd act so aggressive"

"Did he ever hurt you?"

"Whenever I went down, they would act like nothing happened. He would just smile at me and tell me to go back to bed", I said, the first tear falling from my eyes.

"One night when I was 7, shit exploded and that was the last time I saw him", I explained, not really feeling like getting into detail.

"I'm sorry Ella" I hate it when people say that.

"It's allright, I just don't trust easily. People aren't always what they seem", I told him honestly and finally looked back up at his eyes.

"How about you? I heard you don't let people in that easily either", I said, taking the focus of my sad story.

"That's because a lot of people just want to be friends because I have a lot of money. When you need them the most, they're never there", he explained.

"But I have my family and I feel extremely lucky with them", he added, a look of sympathy on his face. I still have my mom and I wouldn't want to have it any other way.

"Come here", he said and pulled me to him, his arms securely going around me as a few tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"I got you", he whispered and pressed a kiss on my hair. I don't know why I trusted him so easily. I just felt like he genuinely cared.

Cared about me.

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