Chapter 16

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A lot happened in the past 4 months and I think it's pretty accurate to say I've gotten myself a busy life. Sophia, Sarah and I have basically become inseparable, we hang out almost on the daily. Whether it's just at school, a party or in the mall, you'll almost always see us together.

Ethan and I have been hanging out as well. Walking home from school if the weather was nice or talking on the porch at night. He would a lot of times even join the three of us when we went out. He eventually told them his secret as well and they were both really supportive. Talking about guys is even better when a guy gives his opinion as well.

Michelle and Adam are still together but they've been fighting a lot the past few weeks. However, Adam has really grown on me. Drives us around or comes over whenever Michelle or I need him. Of course there is still a stupid comment here and there but if you learn to see through that, you see that he really isn't a bad guy. He's an absolute flirt but he is caring, funny and incredibly smart as well, something he doesn't want a lot of people to know.

Alexander and I are, surprisingly on good terms. In the beginning he would always make stupid sexual jokes or try and touch me. Like when he would walk behind me on the stairs, he would be stupid and thank me for the view. I really disliked him until I one time completely lashed out at him for it and since then he's been really nice, even respectful I'd say. He even became my party buddy and I ended up really enjoying hanging out with him.

Oliver and Sophia are not talking right now, or you could just say that Sophia's not talking to Oliver. Whenever he would be in the same group as us he'd come sit next to me, talk to me and every once in a while he would just make stupid jokes about Sophia's crush on him. His player ways were still working fine as well, kissing a different girl for every party he went to. Sophia was annoyed with him, sure but she really cut him off when we walked by and he asked me if I wanted to join. I don't know if he had meant it or not, if he was trying to make her jealous or not but Sophia just really took her distance from him since then. I really him but he can be such an idiot at times...

To spice it up, Daniel, Jason and Matthew even got arrested one time because they were fighting some guys at a party. And no not just a few punches, they were really going at each other like they were ready to kill one another. Apparently it was so bad they had to call the cops before one actually killed the other. Sarah had asked what had happened but neither of them wanted to say. Of course there went a lot of rumors around that they got into shit with drugs or that they stole something but no one really knows.

To spice up things even more, Daniel got a girlfriend according to Sarah. I never saw her and I didn't even believe it at first since Sarah always said that he wasn't the relationship type. However, Sarah says he's happy with her and in the beginning, I honestly didn't care but he's been nicer to everyone so that was definitely a win. Really have to thank that girl if I meet her that she made it tolerable to be around him, she did the impossible. It made it easier for me as well, I could scratch him as a suspect. Not that that surprised me but still, you never know.

Jason has been loosening up to me as well. I mean he's still mean at times but I learned that's a part of his personality. I know he cares because when he'd leave a party, he'd always asked if I needed a lift. We've had a lot of good drunken talks and that's one thing I really like about him. He's brutal honesty but a good listener at the same time. With him, you know what's up and that felt really refreshing.

I also got to hang out with Matthew, who really is the exact opposite of what he looks like. He's even started to call Sophia and me his little sisters as well but whenever I tell him he's being too protective, he would just laugh and tell me there is someone else who's a lot worse. Not funny.

Speaking about the texts, they've been casually coming and going for the past few months. It's weird because it's gotten to a point where I don't suspect any of them because they're all so different from him. So I still have absolutely no clue who it is but weirdly enough, I'm actually having fun with the dares. He made me write a love letter the principal as revenge so I made him steal Ashley's bag. She went nuts and that was totally worth it since she had been bugging me like crazy. He made me go to school without shoes, where I got detention for by the way, so I made him make me homemade lunch for a week. He left it in my locker each day or gave it to Matthew and it was fucking delicious, it was safe to say I was sad when the week was done.

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