Chapter 46

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Flashback 1 year ago

Nathan had hurt me again, pretty badly...

Explaining a few bruises wasn't that hard but to explain broken ribs was another story.

That wasn't the only thing that had me feeling off...

I had told our principal about Nathan, that he was hurting me. Nathan was still in school as he had doubled two years so the principal should be able to help. I knew that was risky but he had promised me he'd help, promised me he would put a stop to this.

I knew Nathan was in there with the principal right now and I had no idea what to expect as I sat outside the office. Maybe the police would show up, or his parents. God, I had no idea. My foot kept nervously tapping on the floor until I heard the sound of the door opening.

Nathan just casually walking out of the office was the last thing I had expected. A victorious smile rested on his lips and my eyes darted to the principal as he shortly peeked his head around the corner "Hey Ella, I called your mom to let her know you were sick and you can go home"

I looked at him confused as the door closed before my eyes quickly went to the floor. Why is he saying that? Why is he letting Nathan just walk out of there?


"Look at me little rose", I felt him lift my face and scared tears slowly escaped my eyes.

He tutted before wiping away the tears, looking too calm for this situation "Tears aren't going to fix this darling"

He's gonna hurt me again, isn't he? To who do I go now? I don't really have anyone I really trust here, Nathan had made sure of that.

"Apparently it doesn't take much money to make people keep their mouth shut and look the other way", he commented casually and I felt disgusted. How could a person like that become principal? He's supposed to protect us...

He pulled me to my feet and studied my face "You did bad today, little rose"

I don't want him to hurt me again.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly and his thumb slowly stroked my cheek.

"No", he said before pressing a kiss on my forehead "But don't ever try something like that again"

And I never did...

Back to present


I anxiously waited for a reply and when it came my heart completely sank.

-And here I thought you had forgotten about me- unknown

This cannot be happening.

I felt frozen as I looked at the message and suddenly a call came through.

No no no...

Just answer it Ella, face it and make an end to it.

Hesitantly, I pressed the call button and waited as I put it to my ear.

"Hello there my little rose", his voice came through and I felt another tear run down my cheek. It had almost been a year since I had heard that voice.

I hear a chuckle before his voice came through again "What now, cat got your tongue?"

And there was the mocking again, he didn't sound any different than he was a year ago.

"How even?" I asked in a whimper and his laugh came through again "What, you really thought I wouldn't be able to find you?"

That's what I had hoped for...

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