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Flashback 1 September (Daniels pov)

The first day of school... Yeah, I really wasn't looking forward to this shit and throwing a short glance around told me I clearly wasn't the only one.

"What's up guys", Oliver walked up to us and I quickly greeted him before my eyes went back to all the student that passed by. Only this time, they went to someone I hadn't seen before and I rolled my eyes as she happily walked by.

And yet another person who believes she running on the clouds, shitting out rainbows. Like this school didn't have enough of those...

"What're you looking at?" Matthew's shoulder bumped mine and I quickly shoved him back "Nothing"

I blinked away from him, cringing as Ashley's voice sounded through the hallway "Are you fucking blind?"

Jesus Christ, why is she always this loud... I didn't even bother looking at what she was whining about this time until an unfamiliar voice spoke "No but you're acting like a whiny bitch"

I turned to the scene, a grin coming to my lips as I watched the new girl stand up against Ashley.

"What did you just call me?"

"I'm sorry, did I stutter?" I had to keep in my laugh, the look on Ashley's face almost comical. Yeah, this girl has got some balls.

I almost pouted as their heated discussion came to an end, my eyes following the new girl as she walked away.

Maybe this one's gonna be interesting...

"You ready to go dude?" Jason pulled me out of my thoughts and I gave him a nod before all of us stepped inside as well.

The rest of the day went just as it always went except for one thing, or rather someone.

I was never one to really pay attention to new people but my eyes seemed to glue to her the moment she stepped into the same room. I couldn't explain what it was but I always caught myself smiling whenever I saw her passing by, even following her around so I could keep a close eye on her and it had slowly started to annoy me. Most definitely because she never seemed to notice me.

It was only when she accidentally bumped into Oliver that I got to see her eyes and to say she was a beauty, would be a major understatement. She slowly assessed the group and the panic slowly growing in her eyes was unmistakable. The look on her face gave me a weird feeling and I stepped up next to Oliver, giving him a nudge "Dude, you're scaring her"

The moment her eyes met mine I had to try hard to keep a neutral expression. Her eyes slightly widened, giving me a full show off all the beautiful colors that flowed around in them and I felt completely paralyzed by her. Fuck...

"Sorry, she looks like she's about to cry and I don't know what to do", Oliver whispered panicked and upon hearing that, she slightly shook her head before a frown came to her face. 

She quickly pushed herself of the floor and slightly dusted of her pants, my eyes following her every move.

"'She' is not going to cry", she spoke boldly with a serious look but the expression went as quick as it came as her eyes came back to mine.

Her eyes darted back to the floor and I almost whimpered as she hid those beautiful eyes from me again. Fuck Daniel, get your shit together. We don't even know this chick.

She mumbled a quick sorry before pushing past us.

It was true that our group might not come over as the friendliest but she looked downright scared for a moment there...

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