Chapter 11

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"What on earth are you doing?" I turn my head from my spot at the corner of the wall to see Daniel standing there, judging me hard.

"Do you even want to know how stupid you look right now?" he stands a few steps behind me, one eyebrow raised and his arms securely crossed over his chest. I just lean my front against the wall again, peaking around the corner so my focus could go back to Ethan.

"And you care since when?" I quickly throw back, momentarily glancing back at Daniel.

"I don't, I just really wanted to tell you that you looked stupid", he stupidly grinned at me before walking past and into the crowd of drunks. Whatever asshole...

I turn back to Ethan to see him still talking with Rachel, a good friend of Sophia's. She had asked Rachel to keep Ethan busy so Sarah could attempt to steal Ethan's phone. That is if there hadn't come a reply in the following ten minutes.

Come on Ethan, just send a freaking text back. Ever since we arrived at the party, the texts had gone quiet again. Not before telling me to be ready for a dare tonight though...

But for fucks sake, why is this person making it so hard. He said it himself, he wanted me to find him...

A hard slap on my ass immediately directed my attention away from Ethan. I swiftly turn around to see Alexander standing right behind me, clearly drunk. Great...

"What the fuck dude", I say and push my back completely against the wall, putting as much distance in between us as possible. Can't people just leave me alone for a bit.

"You wanna go upstairs?" he asked as he his eyes were everywhere on me, except for with me eyes. No thanks

"I don't think so", I glare at him but he just continues to step forward, trapping me against the wall.

"You want me to fuck you against the wall then? All okay with me, I'd love to see what you've been hiding under all that clothing", he whispers next to my ear as I desperately try to push him away. One more warning and then it's a kick in the balls dude...

"Let me go Alexander", I warn him.

"Can I take you out on a date then?" he surprises me but still keeps me against the wall.

"What, why?"

"Because I would love to take you out", he tells me, twirling some of my hair around his finger as his face stays only inches away from mine. So first he wants to fuck me and now he wants to go out. Male logic?

"Since when do you do dates?" I give him a questioning look.

"I don't but for you I could make an exception", he said but it didn't feel pushy. That's a first. I went to answer but he was roughly plucked off of me and thrown to the floor.

"Adam?" I half yell as Adam pins Alexander down and punches him right in the face. This was so not the plan.

"Don't you fucking touch her", Adam spit in his face.

"Adam, STOP", I yell at him but he just continues to throw more punches. When Alexander recovered from the shock, he threw Adam off of him and now the two are basically dragging each other across the floor. What the fuck do I do?

"Guys, stop", I try again but nothing. I mean I could try to step in between them but what good would that do...

"HEY, break it up", Liam appears in the hallway with James, immediately pulling the two apart.

"What the fuck Adam?" Liam turned to his friend, but Adam's eyes stay on Alexander.

"You stay the fuck away from Ella", Adam yelled at Alexander and Liam's eyes immediately searched for me, letting out a sigh when I gave him a small smile.

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