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╚═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╝

you never fell asleep, it was 9 am and you were still in your bed with a horrible headache and makeup running down your face with dry tears.

you felt so stupid for last night, you should've ignored it, you shouldn't have pushed it further.

you yawned, getting up from your bed, your body was freezing.

you grabbed one of spencers sweaters that he left here and pulled it over your body. it was big on your body, the sleeves passing your hands and the hem of the sweater reaching your mid thigh.

you pulled on some shorts, grabbing your shoes and pushing your feet into them.

you grabbed your keys and walked out your apartment, down the stairs and into the parking lot.

you reached your car, getting inside and buckling up. you drove to spencers apartment, your body still freezing.

it was probably a bad idea going to his apartment, but he would be at work so you didn't have much to worry about.

once you got to his apartment you quickly got out and walked inside and into the elevator, clicking the button that had his floor number on as you felt the elevator move.

the elevator soon stopped, hearing it ding as the doors slid open.

you stepped into the hall, walking to his apartment, pulling the key you had and sticking it into the lock, twisting before it unlocked and you walked inside, a small smile forming on your lips as you felt the comfort of his apartment.

you put the key on the counter and walked into his bedroom, taking your shoes off. you climbed into his bed, pulling the thick comforter over your cold body, it warming you up quickly as you breathed in the scent of your boyfriend from his pillow, it was weird but very comforting.

your eyes started getting droopy and you fell asleep quickly, cuddling up to his pillow as soft snores escaped your nose.

you jumped awake as you heard a door shut loudly, your heart thumping rapidly against your chest as the sudden noise.

you sat up in the bed and pushed some loose hairs out your face as you heard footsteps come to the bedroom door.

the door slung open and you saw spencer walk in and he gave you a confused look. "what are you doing here?" he asked setting his stuff down.

you shifted, fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing. "i couldn't sleep, i knew you were at work so i came here and i, um, fell asleep." you said, pushing some hair behind your ear as you looked up at him. "and i also wanted to, apologize." you whispered, looking down at your legs.

he sighed and took his shoes off, sitting on the edge of the bed. "i'm sorry." you blurted, "really, really sorry. i overreacted and i took things way to far and should've been more responsible by not getting wasted just because i was in a bad mood." you spoke, cringing slightly, you hated admitting how wrong you were and apologizing first.

"it's okay, you didn't overreact." he whispered, grabbing your cold hand. "i shouldn't have left you at your apartment." he sighed and you looked up from your hands and into his eyes, "i deserved it." you spoke, leaning against his arm, but you quickly pulled away and looked up at him. "i'm still pissed she was flirting with you though."

"she was not—"

"spencer, shut the fuck up, yes she was." you said leaning asking him again. "it was so obvious, penelope noticed it too, you just, are really oblivious."

spencer sighed, "i wasn't flirting back though, i don't like her like that." he told you and you smiled, "i know, and i thank you for that."

"you shouldn't thank me for being a loyal boyfriend."

you sat up and smiled, pulling him into a hug. "still, thank you." you whispered and he smiled, pulling you closer. "so, how was work?" you asked pulling away from the hug but cuddling up to his side.

"it was good, she pled guilty again, but we later found out she has partners, so, this case still has to be continued." he sighed and you wrapped your arms tightly around him. "hopefully it'll be over soon."

"it will be." you spoke up and he smiled, kissing your head. "couldn't sleep without me?" he teased with a smirk and you playfully slapped his chest.

"you didn't either, i could tell." you said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "how?"

"you look sleepier than usual." you said, pulling the blanket further up so you could cuddle into it. "and your blanket is usually half way off the bed when you sleep alone."

he chuckled and pulled you closer, caressing your cheek. "you have makeup on your cheeks." he said and you let out a breath. "yeah, i know, from last night." you told him and he sighed, kissing your lips softly.

"i'm sorry." he spoke again and you felt your eyes water up, "wait, why are you crying? did i hurt you?" he asked and you shook your head. "no, it's just..," you started before you choked on your tears. "what just happened was so cute and i can't believe it happened with me." you said, laughing through your tears at how stupid you were being.

he laughed and wiped your tears away with his thumbs, "you're such a pretty crier." he said and you rolled your eyes. "liar."

"i am not no liar, you are." he smiled and you smiled right back at him, kissing his lips softly.

"what's today?" you asked, "friday." he responded and you sighed.

"i'm scared for monday, i don't want to leave." you sighed and he frowned pulling you into his chest. "if anything, the longest time in prison you'll get is one year." he said softly, "and i'll be waiting for you everyday, ready to be in your arms again when you get out."

you started to cry again, pulling him into a tight hug. "you'll wait for me?" you asked and he nodded. "of course i would."

you smiled and kissed his cheek softly, "nap with me?" you asked and he nodded.

you smiled and closed your eyes as you fell asleep in his arms, happier than you've ever been before.

but you knew that by monday all that happiness will quickly disappear.

filler chapter that i hate

not proof read sorry i'm so lazy

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