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I love you guys. Thanks for the support and love I really appreciate it🥰-Dajah💕


It was around 7 in the morning as I had a headache but I wanted to get up and get out. I went in the bathroom taking a shower then got out taking a Tylenol for my headaches. I started getting dressed as I brushed my teeth.

I then took my hair out it's wrap. In the process of it I was thinking of everything that happened last night and I started crying. Lately I've been feeling as if I couldn't trust some of my family members starting with my own dad now My cousin Kristina.

Aaliyah and I been best friends forever and even when we're at our lowest point arguing she still isn't grimy towards me and vice Versa. I've never seen any videos of me or pictures of me when I'm vulnerable on the internet by her. But my COUSIN can do it, isn't sitting right with me. Blood sometimes ain't thicker than water. Your friends be more of a family then family is.

I was finished taking down my hair out of it's wrap sniffling.

I was finished taking down my hair out of it's wrap sniffling

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as I started getting dressed. I decided to go bare face because I wasn't even in the mood to do my make up. I just placed on a pair of sunglasses. I grabbed important cards like my ID, insurance Card and my Debit card placing them in my back pocket. Then grabbed my phone. I quietly walked downstairs seeing Abriana and Aaliyah sitting on the couch.

"Why are you two up?" I asked "because we knew you would be up" Aaliyah said as I sighed. "Well I'm going out" I said heading for the door. "Not by yourself" Abriana said as we all walked out. We went into the lobby of the caesars palace then walked out the lobby beginning to walk down the strip to find a restaurant.

"Is that the reason why you didn't deal with Kristina?" I asked Abriana out the blue. "Y/N I deal with very little people and damn sure don't want you dealing with people I feel doesn't have your best interest at heart" Abriana started off

"Kristina and I have issues because when we were eighteen, nineteen we went to a party with the boys we were talking too. I got drunk which I shouldn't have but I did and she took a video of me acting fool showing my breasts and everything not only did it fuck up my Scholarship at my school and I had to leave but the guy she was with along with mine raped me" she explained as I stopped in my tracks and looked at her.

"Abriana Did you tell mommy?!" I asked concerned. "No but I got help that's how I'm abled to tell you without making a big deal about it or crying" she expressed. "I'm saying this to you only to tell you, even Family can be jealous of your success and will do anything to mess you up along with your happiness" Abriana explained.

"And it's my job to protect you, hell if Aaliyah was fucked up I wouldn't approve her but Aaliyah is family because she truly loves you and care about your well-being" Abriana explained as I smiled. Abriana hugged me as I smiled. "I love you and I wasn't going to let Kristina's ass do that to you, she's been doing that for years with you and I didn't want you out here looking stupid" Abriana said as I smiled some.

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