Chapter 66: The Time in Between

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The last day of the Spring tournament- the day of Karasuno's bronze / gold medal matches.


"Excuse me? Miya Atsumu! Do you have a second?"

The blond turned and flashed his biggest grin at the reporter. "Of course! All the time in the world. What can I do for you?"

Masuke Kaito grinned in return, running a hand through his hair and signalling to his camera man to start the camera. "Just a few quick questions for you," he said, eyes carefully studying the university student. "Shouldn't be more than a few minutes of your time."

"Sure," he replied with a shrug. "Wouldn't ya rather talk to the players, though?"

"Not quite." Masuke adjusted his glasses. "We're actually trying to make a quick video about Mikaela Kaisha, only a few minutes worth. We're just looking for some outside opinions."

There was a brief flash of some sort of emotion that Masuke couldn't catch, but in the blink of an eye, it was gone. Atsumu smirked, jamming his hands in his pockets. "I'll say what I can," he obliged, shrugging again. "Ask away."

"Perfect. Just to confirm, you dated her, right?"

"That I did."

"For how long?"

"Six months."

"So would you say you know her well?"

Atsumu laughed, and Masuke couldn't help but grin with him. "Yeah, pretty well," he admitted.

He straightened up. "Although you've never directly played against her or with her, is it safe to assume that you both practiced together?" Atsumu nodded. "So you know her on and off the court." Masuke exhaled and finally proposed his question. "How would you describe her in one word?"

"Describe her in one word?" he repeated.


"Inspirational," Iwaizumi said confidently, smirking at Masuke. "That's got to be my go-to."

"That's high praise," he remarked. "I'm sure she'd say the same about you."

The man shrugged, turning to glance at Kuroo, who was standing off camera. The former Nekoma captain smirked at him, and Iwaizumi turned back to the reporter. "She's persistent as hell," he admitted. "Stubborn. But every single curve ball that came her way, she trampled it. I mean, look at her now. Bronze at nationals. She's made something of herself."

"Persistent? How so?"

"Well, when the whole accident happened, almost three years ago," Iwaizumi recalled, thinking back to their hospital visit, "the doctors mentioned that walking may not be something in the near future. But the entire time, she was focusing on when she could play volleyball again. She'd play without legs if that's what it took."

Masuke nodded. "Very focused young woman."

"Yeah," Iwaizumi echoed, glancing back at Kuroo. "She is."


"One word?"

"That's right."

Kasemoto Sai, the captain of the Todokimachi team, shook her head. "She's a beast," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Single-handedly almost took our whole team down herself. Our entire game plan in that set almost didn't work because she was so hard to contain."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now