Chapter 45: The Second Chance

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Time flew.

Before Mikaela even knew what was happening, winter came at them in full swing and then it was winter break. Practices still went on as usual, but a bit less frequent due to the weather. Mikaela was glad to have an excuse to wear her leggings- it was cold outside. Sure, she went the rest of the week without them, but then it became much too cold. Mikaela bundled up the best she could.

She got off her crutches. Walking was a bit weird, at first. Mikaela found herself constantly grasping for her crutches that weren't there, which made it a bit odd to walk because she was always reaching out for something that she didn't have. Two days after being cleared of her crutches, Mikaela was as good as new. She felt... normal.

It was so bizarre what four months of cramps with a prosthetic, a month with a wheelchair, and a month with crutches could do to someone. Mikaela had never felt so liberated. She spent her first day off crutches skipping, running, and doing anything she could to express her excitement at being able to use her legs.

The team still practiced regularly, which Mikaela appreciated. She didn't enjoy spending all of her time at Tsukishima or Kageyama's; although she knew neither of them minded, she still felt like she wasn't supposed to be there. Like a leech. It was okay during the school weeks, but now that school was out for a bit, she was spending all of her time at Kageyama's. Or Tsukishima's, depending on the day.

Mikaela was seriously considering going back home.

She hadn't seen her mother since the surgery- almost two months ago. Surely that was enough time for things to blow over, right? She'd be safe at home now, right? She had no reason to fear her mother now. What was there to argue about? She'd be fine.


"Kags," Mikaela said one day, laying on the couch as Kageyama flipped to the next episode of the show they were watching. "I should go back home."

He didn't reply, instead fast-forwarding through the theme song of the show. Thirty seconds of the show went through before he paused it and turned to her. "You're serious?" Kageyama asked.

Mikaela swallowed. "Yeah. I mean, I've been mooching off of you for months now."

"You know I've got no problem with it. Neither does Tsukishima."

"You say that all the time. I know." She huffed, twisting herself so that she was sitting up on the couch. "I think... I think I should at least give it a shot."

Kageyama sighed, setting down the remote. "Kaisha, she hit you. You can't just let that go."

"You think I have?" Mikaela frowned. She had known he'd disapprove from the beginning, but it wasn't something she could do without consulting him. "Look, if it's ever dangerous, I'll leave. I know I can be safe with you."

"So just stay safe with me," he insisted.

"She's my family, Tobio."

"So am I."

She stifled a groan, leaning back into the couch. "Kags, I have to give it a shot. It's been four months, at least. And she's tried. She got the surgery arranged, she offered to get me Dad's old apartment... It's her way of trying to make up for it."

Kageyama didn't say anything for a moment, but when he started to talk, Mikaela could tell he'd picked his words out carefully. "The day you officially ran away, I got a phone call from Tsukishima, of all people," he said in a low voice, meeting her eyes, "telling me that you were bleeding, shaken up, and not speaking to anyone." He turned away, glaring at the paused television screen. "I can't. Kaisha, I can't get a call like that again."

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