Chapter 51: The Fever

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SPOILER ALERT! Readers prepare your tissue's box!!

She should've seen it coming. She definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent should've expected the chaos that unfolded after that interview was televised.

"Excuse me? Are you Mikaela Kaisha?"

Ah, shit.

Mikaela inhaled, trying to suck in all of her frustration and bury it down into her body. She turned around, forcing a smile onto her face. "Yeah. What's up?"

"Oh my god, it's really you!" a girl squealed. She had faded red hair and was standing next to a boy with spiky brown hair- he'd been the one to call her out initially. She clasped her hands together and bowed. "It's nice to meet you!"

She exhaled through her nose and forced the smile to stay on her face. "Thanks. What's your name?"

"Me? I'm Suka," the girl said happily, tugging on the sleeve of her companion. "And this is Tsurio!" The boy grinned sheepishly and held up his hand in a wave.

"Nice to meet you both."

"Can we- can we get a picture with you?" the boy, Tsurio, asked, tentatively holding up his phone. "If that's okay with you?"

Mikaela shrugged. "Sure."

The pair exchanged a grin and pulled up next to her, one on either side. Tsurio held out his phone in selfie mode, and Suka squeezed in on the other side of Mikaela to fit into the picture. She forced a smile and held up a peace sign as the camera went off a few times, and she sighed in relief when he turned it off and tucked it in his pocket. They bowed to her and she waved good bye before they tore off into the crowd, giggling to each other.

She trudged back to the stands, where Tsukishima was curled up under his jacket. He'd been napping before, but he seemed to be awake now. "Another one?" he asked, amused.

Mikaela groaned, plopping herself down next to him. "That makes the fourth today."

"You asked for this when you reposted the video," Tsukishima reminded her. "Dumbass."

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in."

Honestly? A part of Mikaela enjoyed the attention. People knew who she was (even if it wasn't for the reasons she had hoped) and for the most part, the people who worked up the nerve to talk to her were kind and respected her space. She'd seen Miya Atsumu here earlier, and from the looks of it, fans were recognizing him too.

She'd even been tagged in some of these posts online. The captions were typically something like "guess who we met!" or something like that. Mikaela sighed to herself and slumped into her seat, tipping her head to rest on Tsukishima's shoulder.



He scoffed. "You didn't just play one of the most exhausting games of your life. You're not allowed to be tired."

Mikaela laughed. "One down, one to go. And it's Kamomedai."

"This is going to be exhausting," Tsukishima said with a groan. "And we still have two more days of this? I'm going to need a week of sleep to recuperate."

She hummed in agreement, then something in his wording caused her to do a double take. "Hey, wait," she said, sitting up and pulling her head off of his shoulder. "You're already counting the next two days? You think we're going to finals?"

Tsukishima seemed to realize his mistake, because he scowled and turned away from her, pulling his jacket up over his chin. "Well, with this insane crowd, maybe," he grumbled.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now