Chapter 36: The Recovery

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God, the light hurt.

Her eyelids felt like they were burning. Mikaela made the mistake of trying to open her eyes, and the brightness felt like it was going to burn her corneas. She squeezed her eyes shut again, waiting for the burning to die down. Slowly, she reached her hands around herself to feel for where she was. A bed, most likely. Using her hands, she started propping herself up. The mattress was soft, and she almost didn't want to pull her head off the soft pillow beneath her.

Mikaela finally got herself to a seated position. Blinking slowly, she tried to get her eyes to adjust to the light. Her vision was a haze of blue and white. Everything ached. Mikaela pushed her legs out, trying to stretch.


Her eyes shot open at the sheets in front of her.

Where's my leg?!-

She hadn't even noticed the contraption that was closed over her finger or the cord that connected it to the heart monitor next to the bed, but she noticed it as soon as the beeping started speeding up. Mikaela reached forward towards where her knee was nothing but a stump, but something attached to her wrist dragged a small cart across the floor. Her eyes snapped to her wrist- something was inside her arm, and there was a tube carrying who knows what into her body.

Holy shit, holy shit-

She hadn't thought the monitor could get faster, but it did. Her fingers fumbled with the tube in her arm, then stopped, because somewhere in the back of her mind she knew it must've been there for a reason, but why was it there and what the hell was going on and where was her leg-

"K... Kaisha?"

Mikaela's head snapped to the side and she nearly burst into tears. Kageyama was seated in a small chair beside the hospital bed, his arms crossed and his head drooped. He looked like he had just been asleep.

She tried to say something but her voice came out as a wheeze. Kageyama's eyes fully opened when he realized how crazy the heart monitor was and how panicked she was. "Hey, hey! Kaisha! Hey, look at me, look at me."

"Tobio," she hissed through her teeth, her eyes flickering between her leg and his face, "what? What-"

"Hey." He took her hand in his- the hand that wasn't enclosed by any weird hospital things- and shifted towards her. "Kaisha, you need to calm down. Breathe with me. Breathe."

So she tried. Mikaela inhaled shakily and exhaled just as badly as they listened to the beeping from the heart monitor gradually slow down. As the beeps slowed down, her breathing did too, and Mikaela felt a lot more calm than she was when she woke up. Mikaela glanced around the room, looking for anything that would provide any useful information.

Her memory slowly pieced itself back together, and she nearly threw herself out of the hospital bed. "Did it work?"

Kageyama didn't even hesitate. He grinned. "It did."

Mikaela's eyes flooded with tears, and Kageyama pulled her towards him for a hug. It was a bit awkward due to the tube in her wrist and the thing on her finger, but it was warm and it was safe, and that was all that mattered.

It worked.


"Tsukki, you're too good at this," Yamaguchi complained, his hands falling to his lap as the television screen declared Tsukishima the winner of their video game match. "That's unfair."

He rolled his eyes. "You just suck at anything involving close combat. All you do are ranged attacks."

"They work!"

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