Chapter 1: The Beginning part. 2

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It was halfway through the school year when Kageyama asked Mikaela if she wanted to watch one of his practice matches. "I'd love to!" she cried, jumping up and down excitedly. "I want to watch this Oikawa-senpai you were talking about!"

"I probably won't go on the court, though," Kageyama huffed.

Mikaela blinked. "It's a practice game. And if your team is as good as you say it is, they'll probably let you play because they'll have a big lead!"

"Are you saying I'm not good enough?" Kageyama demanded, frowning at her.

His cousin shook her head, a teasing smile forming across her face. "No, I'm just saying there are people better."

Mikaela sat up on the stage as the Kitagawa Daiichi Junior High boys' volleyball team faced off against another school. She immediately spotted Oikawa, with fluffy brown hair and a jersey with the number 1 on the back and front. I can't wait to watch him play. But she was severely disappointed. The boy Kageyama looked up to so much missed many sets, botched a few serves, and continuously fumbled the ball. The team was losing. Mikaela was confused. "I thought he was better than that," she mumbled to herself.

And then the coach sent Kageyama in for Oikawa.

She was practically jumping around with glee. Kageyama was going in! He was going to play! She watched as he set the ball perfectly to all the players, and the huge smile he had on his face. He just loved the thrill of being on the court, and Mikaela felt the exact same way.

When the practice match was over, Mikaela immediately went to congratulate Kageyama as the team was dismissed, on the steps outside the gym doors. "You did so good!" she nearly yelled, wrapping her sweaty cousin in a hug before quickly letting go.

Kageyama grinned, drinking his water faster than normal. He was tired. "That was great," he admitted, smiling broadly. "Thanks for coming."

Mikaela beamed. "Happy to come! That was great!"

"It was fun," he said as an afterthought. She laughed.

Then, Mikaela frowned. "Hey, Tobio?" she asked cautiously.

Kageyama stopped his water-guzzling and looked up. "Hmm?"

"What was the ace's name?"

"He's Iwaizumi-san," Kageyama replied, frowning. "Why?"

Mikaela kicked her shoe against the ground. "Do you think... Do you think it would be a bad idea to ask him to teach me how to spike?"

Her cousin blinked at her, before shrugging. "I've asked Oikawa-san to teach me how to serve a few times, but he keeps saying no. But I think Iwaizumi-san is a bit nicer. Maybe he'll teach you."

"I'm going to ask," she decided. I'm going to prove to my captain that I can and will spike. I'll have the best spike on the team! And Iwaizumi-san was really good. Maybe he can teach me. She cut herself out of her thoughts. "Are you going to ask Oikawa-san again?"

Kageyama nodded. "He and Iwaizumi-san are good friends, I think. Maybe he'll be there."

Mikaela eagerly followed Kageyama back into the gym. Sure enough, the captain was there, hitting serves across the net with such power that she could barely believe it. Kageyama picked a discarded volleyball off the ground. Mikaela unzipped her jacket and looked around the gym, frowning. Iwaizumi wasn't there. She sighed.

She saw Kageyama approach Oikawa, and suddenly, she felt scared. Oikawa didn't look very calm or composed, mostly angry and tired. Now probably wasn't the best time. Mikaela started walking over as Kageyama asked, "Oikawa-san, please teach me how to serve."

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