Chapter 50: The Cats

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SPOILER ALERT!! yeah...I'm going to do this in all the chapters until the anime is realeased.

"Hey, Mikaela?"


"If you stay up past 10 pm, I will personally haunt your nightmares."

Mikaela frowned and glanced up from her laptop, putting a pause on the Nekoma game that had just occurred that day. "That's how low we've stooped now?" she asked, her lips twitching into a smirk. "We're doing threats that mean nothing?"

Daichi sighed, crossing his arms. "Mikaela, it's almost nine. We've got two games tomorrow instead of one, and we need you well rested."

She grinned. "Already planning on that second game, aren't you, Captain?"

"Well, maybe that's a bit presumptuous of me, but-"

"Worry not, I've planned it out too!" Mikaela spun her laptop around and pulled up a different tab she'd been working on. In it was a spreadsheet titled 'Kamomedai' with several players listed in the margins and various columns following. "I have total faith that it'll be Kamomedai we face after Nekoma, and they're going to be like Date Tech on steroids." She pulled up a separate tab, where she'd been halfway through watching the Kamomedai match from that same day. "This one's a good match. Besides, Hoshiumi's going to be-"

"Wait, you have a spreadsheet?"

Mikaela nodded, turning back to the first tab. "Yeah. I was flying through notebooks and it was getting excessive. All this digital stuff is so cool, hm?"

"Who showed you this?"


Daichi shook his head and muttered something under his breath that Mikaela couldn't catch. He leaned closer to the screen. "Well, that's not that bad. I thought you'd have more."

"Oh, that's because you didn't scroll."

"How much more can you possibly- oh dear lord."

Mikaela swiped through, and swiped through, and swiped through, and kept going for a seemingly impossible amount of time until she hit the most recent column. "Honestly, they're all a bunch of conservative little shits- all have their social media on private- so I'm debating which one has the easiest password to crack. If I can get into one, then I can see all of them on social media. The only problem is various platforms, unless I can find some dumbass who uses the same password for anything-"

"You've hacked into their accounts?" Daichi nearly shouted, eyes wide in disbelief.

She shrugged. "Not yet I haven't."

"Holy... Mikaela, no."

Mikaela rolled her eyes. "Fine, fine. Not worth much anyways."

"You are..."

"A genius?"

"A problem child."

"Close enough."

"Look, seriously though." Daichi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You've got more than enough. That's plenty of information for all the teams out here."

Her eyes widened. "Wait, you thought that was for all the teams? That was just Kamomedai."

His jaw dropped. "All of that was just for Kamomedai?"

"Yep! Minus their social media information. Can't get a hold of that without digging into their accounts, and you've already glared at me enough for that. Here's the other folders." Mikaela went to the home page for the spreadsheet website, and Daichi's eyes bugged out of his head when he saw how many folders she had. They were organized alphabetically by school name, and it had every single school in the tournament. Some had large red crosses in front of their names- the ones who were already eliminated from the tournament. Daichi spotted Tsubakihara Academy and Inarizaki among them. His eyes narrowed in on one folder titled Niiyama.

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