Chapter 56: The Reunions

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Class was awful.

No sugarcoating, no bullshit. It sucked.

Mikaela never realized how much she relied on Tsukishima and Yamaguchi to get through the day until Tsukishima had started ignoring her. Yamaguchi did his best to talk to her, but it was so unbelievably awkward, watching him switch between the two of them since Tsukishima was unwilling to turn around and look at her. She started waving Yamaguchi off- it wasn't fair of him to stretch himself thin between the two of them. He'd known Mikaela for almost two years, but he'd known Tsukishima for almost his whole life.

She started eating lunch in the classroom. Yamaguchi always hesitated, asking if he should stay, but she shook her head every single time. "It's fine," Mikaela said repeatedly. "Kageyama's coming, I'll eat with him."

"If you're sure," Yamaguchi said uncertainly.

"I am," she replied firmly. She glanced sideways; Tsukishima was already gone. "Go catch up to him."

"Text me," the pinch server insisted before he left. Mikaela sighed to herself and pulled out her lunch box, glaring angrily at her backpack. This really did suck. She deserved it.


She looked up and bit her lip to hide her grimace. "Kahano," she said shortly.

The poor girl fidgeted nervously in her spot, her eyes flying everywhere except Mikaela. "Did, uh..." Kahano trailed off, rubbing the back of her head with her free hand. "Did you and Tsukishima-kun break up?"


She waited for the excitement, the shine in her eyes. The obvious 'now-he's-on-the-market' look. To her surprise, it never came. Kahano bit her lip. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said quietly, and Mikaela was surprised to hear how genuine she sounded. "You two were good together."

Hearing that come from Kahano, of all people, hurt. Mikaela's shoulders slumped and she laughed weakly. The irony in that. This girl used to pine over Tsukishima like he was a celebrity, and now here she was, saying that she was sorry they broke up and they'd been a good couple. She sounded genuine, but it was too weird of a reaction and Mikaela didn't know if she believed her. "Thanks," she said quietly, eyes dropping down to her lunch.

Kahano looked like she was about to say something else when Yuka sidled up next to her. "He probably just finally saw her for the bitch she is," Yuka said fiercely.

Mikaela was almost relieved for the abrupt switch back to exactly what she had expected. "Thanks, Yuka," she said tiredly.

The black-haired girl paused. "What, no anger?" she teased, wrapping an arm around Kahano. "Not going to make fun of us, like you always do? Have you finally realized what a crappy person you are?"

"You act like I give two shits about you," Mikaela said dully.

Yuka stiffened. "You-"

"You're not worth the effort," she continued, cutting her off. "And as satisfying as it would be to punch you in the face and knock out a couple of your teeth, it's not worth the bitching I'll get from you afterwards. You're annoying when you cry." Mikaela looked up and locked eyes with Yuka, glaring at her. "Get out of here before you tempt me."

"You're such a bitch," she snapped.

Mikaela raised her eyebrows at her. "And?"

Yuka's mouth opened, then closed. Kahano seized her wrist and tugged her away, but not before shooting Mikaela an apologetic look. She waited until they left before she slumped down against the desk, burying her forehead into her arms so that no one would see the tears pricking her eyes.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora