Chapter 7: The Fight

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Shimizu and Mikaela got their own room, away from the boys. But she could still hear the countless arguments and debates they had over the silliest things from her room. But, to her surprise, they didn't annoy her. They made her laugh, smiling as she went to sleep.

The next day, Mikaela focused on recording. Watching the other team, watching their own team, recording important points. Karasuno began their practice game with Nekoma- which was good because the boys were really fired up to do it, and Mikaela could watch and see how the team dealt with the quick strike and what the other team could do in return. She was given a pad of paper, though she'd barely used it so far.

Hinata looked troubled. She didn't know why, but he did.

The short boy blew one past the tall Nekoma player's hands, making it 2 to 1 for Karasuno. But, as the next point began and Hinata jumped up to spike again, the tall player was there. He blocked it and the ball fell down on Karasuno's side of the court. Mikaela bit her lip and glared at the notepad. Only four points in.

"Oi, Hinata," Kageyama was saying as she turned back into the game, "let's switch to normal quicks." Hinata ignored him at first, then nodded slowly.

Mikaela frowned. Kageyama was smart.

She glared at the other players. The short number 5 with dyed blonde and brown hair was motioning to the tall blocker.

But Nekoma was smarter. She knew it.

"Kags!" she called out suddenly. Her cousin whirled around to face her. "Stay with the freak quick," she said, more quietly.

Kageyama looked like he was going to protest, then Mikaela shot daggers at him. He nodded and relayed the information to Hinata, who looked confused and started arguing with the setter. Mikaela rolled her eyes- they were so funny to watch sometimes.

Tanaka made a steady receive, right to Kageyama. Mikaela clenched her fists.

But she had nothing to worry about. Kageyama set the ball up so fast that the tall blocker on the other team missed it- he was attempting read blocking, Mikaela noticed. She narrowed her eyes at him. The ball hit the ground between two of the Nekoma players- a campfire. She smirked. 3 to 2 for Karasuno. Her cousin turned to her and she flashed him a thumbs up.

Ukai leaned over. "How'd you know to stay with the freak quick?"

Mikaela frowned. It was a question he already knew the answer to, but he wanted to know what she was thinking. Like she was being tested. "Because as smart as my cousin is, and as much as he tries to stay one step ahead of Nekoma, they're a smart team. Smarter than Kageyama. Their setter especially," she noted, watching the short boy, "knows what he's doing. If Kageyama is one step ahead of them, they're at least three steps ahead of him."

The next ball that Kageyama sent to Azumane (she finally learned his name!) was tipped by the block, again by the tall Nekoma player. She gritted her teeth. "That guy's a bit of a newbie. He keeps looking to their setter for instructions on where to go. But he's got crazy fast reflexes, and when he gets better, he'll be scary."

"He's not scary now?" Shimizu mused.

Mikaela laughed. "He lacks experience."

"I'm surprised you could tell," Ukai said thoughtfully. Mikaela shrugged casually, heat rushing to her cheeks, and went back to the game. The tall Nekoma player spiked it down, taking the point. Ukai called a time out.

Mikaela grabbed a cart of water bottles and passed them around, earning muttered "thank you"s and grateful glances. Coach Ukai started talking, "For now, use Azumane and Tanaka as the pivot of attack against Nekoma." The boys nodded in agreement. Mikaela recollected water bottles as they went around, and to her surprise, the coach turned to her. "Mikaela, anything you want to add?"

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now