Chapter 47: The First Match

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She chickened out.

Mikaela waited until who knows how long for Kageyama and Hinata to return from their run with their chaperone, Tsukishima. She stayed up watching volleyball footage of Inarizaki's matches, trying to figure out other small details about the twins and the other ridiculous players on their team. When the trio returned to the hotel, she took one look at the group and immediately went to her room.

"This is dumb," Mikaela grumbled to herself as she settled herself into her bed. "Why do I have to be the one to confess?"

The next day, the entire team was hyped up about the upcoming game. Mikaela couldn't help but get swept up in the enthusiasm. The trip to the stadium felt much longer than it needed to be, and Mikaela was constantly fidgeting.

"Stop it," Kageyama said with a sigh when he saw her flipping a pen around in her fingers.

"Stop what?"

"Fidgeting. It's ridiculous."

Mikaela sighed. "I can't help it! I'm nervous."

He shot her a weird look. "Why are you nervous? You're not even playing."

"This is nationals, Kags! This is all of Japan!"


She groaned, sliding down in her seat. "You're ridiculous."

The opening ceremonies were crowded. Even before they'd entered the building, they were shoulder to shoulder when walking. Karasuno ended up running into Nekoma, and Mikaela got a quick chance to catch up with Kuroo, which really wasn't more than him teasing her and her punching him in the shoulder.

("So, Temper-san, that video-"

"Can it or I'll kick you so hard you won't be able to walk."

"...Yes, ma'am.")

It was even more packed when they were inside; everyone was bumping into each other as they tried to force their way through the crowd. Mikaela twisted to get out of the way of a passing player and craned her neck to look around for the rest of the team. She was of average height for a girl (no matter how much Kuroo told her she was short) but this sea of tall volleyball players was really making her feel tiny.

"My, my. What's this? Don't tell me you're actually nervous, Sawamura-san." Mikaela turned around to see Kuroo, sweating buckets and poking fun at her captain.

Daichi didn't even flinch. "Me? Your chattiness makes me think you're the nervous one, Kuroo-san."

"Yeah, yeah." Kuroo rolled his eyes and pointed at someone in the crowd. "Your number ten looks like a middle schooler who got lost."

Mikaela turned to see Hinata, wandering through a throng of players, looking even more clueless than usual. With a sigh, Mikaela started pushing her way through to collect him. "Shoyo!" she called out as she got closer. "Hey, Shoyo!"

He saw her and turned towards her with a wave. "Kaisha! Hey-" Hinata accidentally bumped into another player. As he squeaked out his apologies, he backed up and bumped into Nishinoya, sending him stumbling into a girl. Thankfully, the girl caught him before he fell.

"Thank you," Mikaela said gratefully as she got through the rest of the crowd. "They can be a bit..."

She trailed off when she saw who had caught Nishinoya.


"Amanai-san," Mikaela choked out, remembering one of the only upper years that had treated her with any kindness back at Niiyama. "It's been a while."

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now