Chapter 42: The Reaction

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A/N: one word. CHAOS

"Do ya think-"

"Oikawa, if you're talking about aliens again, I will deck you."

Oikawa groaned, sitting up from the couch. "Iwa-chan! I was talking about physics!"

"Like hell you were, Assikawa," Iwaizumi replied without looking up from his textbook. "You've been staring at the same page for the past fifteen minutes."

"Aw, Iwa-chan's been keeping a close eye on me?"

"Shut up. Work."

"I already know all of this!"

Iwaizumi groaned, slamming his textbook shut. "Fine. Quick break."

"Yay!" Oikawa chirped, popping up from the couch immediately and taking off for the kitchen, eager to prepare himself a snack. Iwaizumi sighed, sinking further back into the chair. He should know by now that study nights with Oikawa never worked, but here he was, at this dumbass's house reading about forces and vectors. He'd rather be playing volleyball, and odds were that Oikawa felt the same.

He was broken out of his thoughts when Oikawa called his name. "Iwa-chan! Chips or popcorn?"

"Either or," he called back, pulling out his phone. No new texts. With a sigh, he opened up his social media, waiting for Oikawa to get back.

A video popped up onto his feed and he froze.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa chirped. "Pop or water?"

The video finished. Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes at it and played it again.

Oikawa stuck his head out of the kitchen. "Iwa-chan, don't ignore me! Pop or water?"

"Oikawa," Iwaizumi said faintly, pausing the video, "come see this."

The setter must've easily sensed the drastic change in his best friend's mood because he didn't poke fun or protest. With a frown, Oikawa peeked over Iwaizumi's shoulder and the ace clicked the play button.

The video played.

"Holy shit, that's Mikaela!"

"Yeah," Iwaizumi said slowly, his eyes following the motion of their junior as she reached for her ankle.

The tug and throw was followed by a "holy fuck!" from Oikawa, who snatched Iwaizumi's phone away from him and put the screen right next to his face. "Why the hell did she throw her leg?! Is that Miya Atsumu? She threw her leg at Miya Atsumu? What the hell-"

"Oi! My phone!" Iwaizumi snatched it back from Oikawa, pulling it into his chest. "Go check your own phone!"

Oikawa scoffed, pulling his phone out of the pocket of his sweatpants. "Do you seriously think I'm going to find the video just by- oh. Here it is."

"That quickly?" Iwaizumi muttered, sneaking a peek over Oikawa's shoulder. He was watching the video through a different social media page. "Is the video everywhere?"

"Yeah, I think so," he agreed. Iwaizumi watched his fingers fly over his phone, exiting from one social media app and accessing the next one, and finding the video on his feed almost immediately. Iwaizumi whistled as he watched his junior hit Miya Atsumu in the head with her prosthetic on repeat. "Iwa-chan!" Oikawa cried out, whirling on his best friend. "Mika-chan broke the Internet!"

"Well, I doubt she-"

"I'm going to call her! No, I'll text her! What the hell was she thinking?" Oikawa snapped, fingers typing furiously on his phone screen.

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now