Chapter 4: The Posters

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Mikaela stared at the sheet of paper in her hands, studying her printing over and over again before she handed it to Shimizu. "Here," the manager said, trading her the form for a black stylish jacket. "You're a part of the club now."

She opened the jacket up. It was wonderfully styled, black and with beautiful printing on the back. She grinned wildly and immediately put it on, over her white t-shirt.

Hinata whooped loudly. "Two managers! We look really professional now!"

"And they're both females," Tanaka said with a dreamy look in his eyes. Nishinoya, Tanaka's partner in crime, had the same starstruck look. They were smacked on the back of their heads by Sawamura.

"Welcome to the club!" The team cheered loudly, sporting their own jackets. Mikaela grinned wildly. This was going to be fun.

It was when she was leaving the gym with Shimizu after the boys had all left when she overheard the teacher- Takeda-sensei?- taking with the coach. She hadn't formally been introduced to the coach yet- Coach Ukai, apparently- but he was certainly not his grandfather. "I intended to borrow one of the school's buses for the Tokyo trip," he was saying. Mikaela frowned. She remembers them saying something about the Tokyo trip. Shimizu said that they were going on a trip soon, and she was more than welcome to join them. She had shrugged. Was this it?

"But it doesn't seem like we'll be able to," she heard next. "It overlaps with a few of the other clubs. It looks like we'll have to pay more than we first thought."

Mikaela frowned. There was nothing she could do about that- right? Then her eyes flitted to a poster on the school wall. Posters line up next to each other, advertising everything from school clubs to certain sales at nearby stores.

Posters. Advertisements.

The gears in her brain spun as she kept moving until she was 'attacked' by Hinata. "Mikaela-san! Mikaela-san! You're our official manager now, right?!" he cried loudly, bouncing around.

She nodded. "With Shimizu-senpai, of course. And just Mikaela is okay."

"We're glad you joined," chimed the buzz cut guy, Tanaka. "When you're here, Kiyoko-san talks a lot." The libero nodded along in agreement.

"What sort of reason is that, morons?!" Daichi cried in exasperation and he clonked them both on the heads. Mikaela smiled nervously. After the quick revelation that they knew of her talents, it made things a bit awkward. Sugawara murmured his apologies.

Mikaela smiled. "You guys seem to be a lot of fun. I don't really play volleyball anymore, but I asked Tobio to look out for a position for me if anything volleyball related came up."

Sawamura nodded, smiling. "So, you came from Niiyama?" she nodded. "Why the sudden change?"

"Niiyama just wasn't working for me," she admitted, which was partially the truth. Kageyama snorted quietly and she shot him a glare. "And Kageyama and I were really close in Junior High, so he offered for me to come here."

"So you know all about his kingly actions," snorted the tall blond guy. He had headphones covering his ears (so how was he listening to the conversation?). The shorter boy, Yamaguchi, was walking next to him. Kageyama glared heavily at the boy, irritation clearly written all over his face, and Mikaela came to a quick conclusion.

This boy was an asshole.

"Of course," she snapped, her eyebrows knitting together as she glared at him. "In fact, I should take some of the blame for his difficult standards."

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