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"So what do you guys want to eat?" Giselle mischievously said eyeing the both of us. I knew what she was doing and I was on board.

"What do you want?" I asked Niki looking at what page he was looking at.

"Um you order first I'm still looking" he continued to flip the pages on the menu.

A minute or so later the waiter came to take the orders. I choose to order first.

"Hi could I have the pork ramen mild spicy please." The waiter wrote down the order and turned to Giselle while she was ordering. In the corner of my eye I saw Niki perk his head up.

When Giselle finished her order the waiter turned to Niki.

"Um can I have what she's having." He pointed to me.

"The mild spicy pork ramen?" The waiter asked.

"Um yeah but make it extra spicy."

Damn his spice tolerance is through the roof.

After some time our meals arrive and we were all hungry so we dug in straight away. I don't have a high spice tolerance so this dish was very spicy for me. And it was quite obvious because I was sweating and I had a runny nose.

Niki looked over and giggled at my face. He grab a napkin wiping my forehead. We both made eye contact while there was noodles sticking out my mouth. Immediately Niki moved his hand and looked away. I felt my cheeks warm up while I swallowed my mouthful of food.

Giselle sat across from me and sent me a wink. I rolled my eye while giving her a small smile.

Suddenly Giselle got up and pushed her bowl towards the centre of the table grabbing both mine and Niki's attention.

"Hey I'm really full and I need to head home and rest" she emphasised the word 'really' and I immediately knew what she was doing. I mouthed her 'no' since it's gonna a bit awkward after Niki and I's moment. And I would like to avoid any awkward situation. "I'll see you later" with that she walked out the restaurant.

It was quiet between us two except for small slurp noises when we ate. Niki finished before me so he was on his phone. But every now and then I saw him look at me and when I would look back he'd look away.


When we finished we went to the front table to pay for the food.

"That's a total of $42.80" the lady said.

"I'll pay by-" I didn't finish when Niki slapped a $50 note on the desk.

"Keep the change" was all he said before walking outside.

"Uh I'm sorry. Thank you for the meal" I said, bowing to the lady and followed Niki outside.

"You could've told me you were paying" we both started walking away.

"You were gonna say no" he didn't look at me but was facing straight in front.

That was a lot of money and he did tell her to keep the change so that I wouldn't have argued with him. I feel guilty of course.

"Let's grab dessert" I said stopping the both us. "I'm paying."

He shook his head when I offered to pay. I knew he would say no and when he was about to speak, I hooked my arm with his and off we go again to the nearest dessert shop.

"When are you gonna stop dragging me to places" Niki moved his arm away from mine while we were waiting in line for our waffles and ice cream.


He rolled his eyes while I laughed a little. Niki was trying to read the menu while I scrolled through my phone.

"Hi how can I help you." I looked away from my phone and took a glimpse at the menu before ordering.

"Can I get a-"

"Jennifer?" The guy stopped me. I looked down I was surprised to see Mark.

"Mark? Oh my god!"

"It's been a while since we last talk-" before he could finish he sentence I pulled him in for a tight hug over the counter.

"I don't see you around the neighbourhood anymore." I said while pulling away.

"Yeah I had to move out with my family but I recently just moved back here. But anyway what can I get you?"

"Um could I have the matcha ice cream and waffles. And what do you want" I turned to Niki who wasn't looking at the menu but at Mark.

"Uh I'm not that hungry" He whispered so only I could hear, I just nodded my head and turned back to Mark.

"That's all thanks"

I paid for the dessert and sat at one of the tables waiting for my food.

"Are you sure you don't want anything? The desserts here are really good"

"No I'm full." We both sat in silence with the music and small chatter in the background as noise.

"Who was that guy" Niki asked with a genuinely curious tone.

"Ah he was a childhood friend. He's a couple years older than me though."

"How many years?"


Niki was about to say something when Mark came back with my dessert.

"Enjoy" he sat before patting my head.


Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now