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Going back to school was weird. Everyone seemed gloomy and scared as if someone was about to jump out and start attacking everyone. I mean it happened once and it's possible for it to happen again.

Heck I'm scared too. I'm walking through the hallways alone since Giselle hasn't answered any of my text and I haven't seen Niki yet. Thankfully when I walked into class Niki was pacing around our seats. When he saw me he pulled me in for a tight hug.

"I missed you." He whispered as if he almost lost me.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you over the break, I was going through some things." I mumbled but Niki still heard me.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay now."

Throughout the school day I could tell everyone was uncomfortable and scared. No one wanted to be here but we were in the final months of the school year and it's crucial for us seniors to attend school or we won't graduate. I found it really hard to concentrate, there were times when flashbacks of the girl would appear in my mind freaking me out. Usually I would be home alone screaming and crying for the memory to go away, but I have Niki to help me when these memories come back.

"The school rooftop is closed and I don't feel comfortable eating in the classroom, where do you wanna go?" I asked Niki as we walked out of class.

"Let's eat in the cafeteria where everyone is."

"Sounds good."

I've only eaten in the cafeteria once and never ate there after that. It was too noisy and would always be full. Luckily for us we found a table for ourselves but when we sat down others students came into the cafeteria forcing us to sit at the table with 4 other kids from younger grades.

Giselle never showed up to school nor did she answer any of my text, so I was left to spend the day with Niki. I mean I'm not complaining, it was nice too since Niki and I hadn't hung out together since before the school break.

"Do you want to come to my place after school? Mum would really like to see you again." Niki asked.

"Hmm sure, but I wanna go check up on Gi, she hasn't answered my texts yet."

"I'll come."

It was after school now and Niki and I made our way to Giselle's house. Her mum wouldn't be home since she's always working but Giselle gave me her spare house key just in case of an emergency. I gave her my spare apartment key so we're equal.

I knocked on the door and waited. No answer. I knocked again but again, no answer.

"Giselle are you home? Why aren't you answering the door?" I continued knocking with no answer.

Don't tell me she went out to eat.

"Try calling her." Niki said.

Smart, why didn't I think of that.

'The person you are trying to call in currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.' I let out an annoyed groan while hanging up the phone.

I decided that I would just go in and check on her myself. I took out her spare key and unlocked the door. Her house was quite small making it easy to find her room.

As I walked by the living room I saw a note on one of the couches.

"Hey Niki could you go in the first room on your right and get Giselle, I'm just gonna do something real quick." I walked over to the note while Niki walked away.

I picked up the note and read it,

'Dear mum or whoever is reading this,

I'm sorry for what I'm about to put you through but I can't do this anymore. This feeling I've suppressed for so long finally took a tole on me. After what dad has done to me I thought that I couldn't live anymore but mum you helped me and so did Jennifer and I'm so grateful. But what happened after the incident at school started to get to me again. Then the worst happened making me lose it all. Mum I was raped but a man off the streets. He came out of no where when I was just going out for a walk. He pulled me into an allyway where he did it and left me there. I cried my way home but you weren't home to see me. Mum that was a week ago and from then I never left my room, I haven't eaten or drink anything for days now. Mum you are a strong woman and I'm sorry you have to go through this but please be happy without me. Jennifer if you read this, I love you so much. Thank you for being there for me. I'm sorry.

- Giselle'

"AAAHHHH!" I broke down screaming on my knees but quickly got up and ran towards Giselle's room.

Niki shut the door and pulled me away.

"Don't go in there!" He sounded as if he was about to burst out in tears.

"NO!" I pushed him out of the way and before he could stop me I had already open the door.

Inside was Giselle's body hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck.


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