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I look at my hands and start patting my face.

I'm alive? How? I jumped off and-

"I saved you that night." My thoughts were cut off by Mark's voice. "Why'd you do such a stupid thing?"

His eyes were on me now. I looked down at the blanket that was around me. I noticed that I'm not wearing something that belonged to me.

"I'm alone. I lost everyone, Giselle, Niki, mum and dad."

I had no energy left to cry but Mark could read me like an open book

"But you have me." He came up behind me and gave me a hug from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. "You're not alone, you have me and that's all you need."

He was right in a way, I did have him. It was weird how I totally forgot about him. Like when I see him I remember him but when he's not around it's as if he never existed.

I felt Mark move away from behind me and make his way in front of me again.

Suddenly Mark grabs me by my neck smashing my head against the couch slamming his mouth on mine.

This took me by surprise. Mark was supposed to like a brother figure to me, someone I see as another family member. I never thought of him romantically yet here he is kissing me.

I don't like this.

I try to move my head around but the hand around my neck kept my head in place. I try pushing him away but he's way too strong for me, especially since I just woke up. Mark grabbed both my arms with his free hand stopping me from doing anything.

Mark was slowly getting annoyed that I was moving and resisting so much. Eventually he moved away and moved his hands away away from me.

"What was that for?!" I shouted still processing what just happened. "Why would you-"


There was a sharp sting on my left cheek. I placed my hand on that spot and felt that it was hot. Then I looked at Mark who had his right hand held out.

He just slapped me.

"Don't you dare shout at me." He said in a low provocative voice. "I saved you and waited all these years just to have you so I don't want to put up with this shit."

Mark grabbed my face pinching both my cheeks and pulling me closer to his face. "Now listen here brat, you will stay with me for as long as I please doing everything I say with no complains. That means no school, no going out, no talking to anyone but me. You're under my roof, therefore under my control. I don't want anything to happen to you know do I? But I won't hesitate to hit you again and again and again if I feel like you aren't behaving."

Mark released my face which left two large red marks. He harshly grabbed my arm pulling me off the couch and to a different room, I assumed it was a spare bedroom since there was nothing in the room but a small bed.

He pushed me into the room making me fall on my knees. My body was still exhausted from just waking up and this did not help me whatsoever.

"Be a good girl now or you won't eat" was all he said before slamming the door shut leaving me alone in the small room. It was quite claustrophobic.

I slowly got up and with my already tired body and slowly bruised arm it wasn't easy. Eventually I was able to sit up on my bed which was very dusty and pretty uncomfortable.

I laid there while scanning my eyes around the room. But there was really nothing to see but dust on the floor and dirt stains on the wall. I noticed behind me at the very top of the wall was a window, an incredibly tiny window. My head wouldn't fit through there. It was also secured with cell bars. He really doesn't want me to escape.

When I realised there wasn't nothing else to do, I shut my eyes and let my exhausted body rest.

"Happy birthday to you~" my family and a few friends started to sing to me, it was my 12th birthday today. I swayed my body from side to side with the beat of their singing. When they finished I blew out the candles and cut the cake.

"Happy birthday Jenni" Mark, my best friend or well basically my brother ran up and gave me a hug. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands went down to my bottom giving it a little squeeze. "You're such a big girl now, all grown up."

"Not as old as you, you're sixteen!" Despite our large age gap Mark has always been by my side and always choose to hangout with me over his friends, he didn't like it when I was alone was what he told me.

"Let's go play with some of your presents." Mark pulled me to his side, I could feel his hand slide down to my butt again.

My body shot upwards so that I was sitting up straight. I grabbed my hair while letting out heavy breaths.

"How have i never noticed this before?"


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