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I woke up to the sound of bells. I squint my eyes open and slowly sit up to see Mark in the doorway holding a bell.

"That's a good girl. I want you to come to me whenever you hear this bell." I didn't respond but just rubbed my eyes.

"Are you gonna answer me?" He raised his voice which made my ears ring.

"Yes." My voice was croaky and a quiet which somehow pissed Mark off.

"Yes?" He scoffed. Mark threw the bell at me, aiming straight for my face. I didn't realise what he was doing until after the bell hit me. It landed on my cheek thankfully but it still hurt a lot. I rubbed the spot to ease the pain but Mark came over and pulled me off the bed, gripping my arm where the bruise was. I hissed out and tried to pull my arm away but this only made his grip on me tighter.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Mark spat at my face. "Can you fucking be obedient for once?!" He pushed me to the floor and kicked my stomach making me gag.

"What the fuck?" I shouted. I got up and threw a punch at his stomach. But I was too slow.

Mark saw me coming and moved out the way and pushed me down again. He came up to me placing his shoe on my face, basically stepping on me.

"You little brat." I felt the blades on the bottom of his shoes dig into my cheek bones. "always causing so much trouble."

Mark moved his shoes off my face and moved away from me.

"I don't have time for this. Go get yourself cleaned up and go to your room when you're done. I'm gonna be gone for a bit so be a good girl and clean up and cook something for me when I get back. That's what girls do, they belong in the kitchen." Mark bent down to give me on the cheek where he had just stepped on me before moving away to the door.

When I heard the door shut I started to cry out loud. All the emotion and pain I just felt, I let it out.

"I need to get out." Quickly but painfully I sat up and looked at my surroundings. I was in front of me was my bedroom and next to me was the living room with the couches, on my right was a small corridor that lead to another room which I believe is Mark's room and the bathroom. In front of the living room was the kitchen and behind me was the front door.

I was about to get up and run but the bruises and cuts that I didn't realise was on my body made me stubble and fall on my knees.

I can't go anywhere with these.

The kitchen should have some sort of first aid kit. Well that's what I hope for. I crawled my way to the kitchen and dug around the cabinets and draws for anything that'll help me, and luckily there were bandages in one of the draws.

I didn't bother wiping away any of the blood stains and just applied the bandaids straight on the wound. I tried standing up again without falling. It was still hard to move around but it was better than before.

Without a second thought, I quickly dashed to front door. I opened the door to be met by fresh air and the sunny sky.


I ran down the steps and onto the pavement and just start running. Well trying to run but the pain was unbearable so I slowed down.

There was a huge smile on my face as I slowly wondered through the streets. It's only been a day and I could feel myself going insane.

But where am I?

I could see someone in the distance, they look like a local. I limped my way to them but noticed that one of my bandaids on my leg was peeling off. While still limping to the person, I bent over to try and fix the bandaid. I saw a pair of shoes while I was still fixing my bandaid but used this time to ask the person where I was.

"Excuse do you know where-" I started to look up.

"I was gone for 10 minutes and this is what happens?"

It was Mark.

I turned around and try and bolt for it. But Mark managed to tackle me onto the grass before throwing a punch in my face making me vision go black.


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