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I slowly stood up from where i was sitting, not caring about the mess I had just made.

I couldn't even think straight, all that was running through my mind was anger and hatred.

With that boiling anger I flipped the table over knocking off any other papers and items on the table to the floor.

I kicked one of the tables leg so hard that it snapped off. I was so mad that I couldn't feel or hear the crack in my foot.

I held the chunk of wood in my hand and proceeded to swing it at anything I saw until it was on the floor in pieces. This included chairs, flower pots, the rest of the table.

When there was nothing left to break, I let out the loudest scream I could, it probably alerted the guys outside.

And it did because I could hear heavy footsteps.


The door swung open revealing two guys.

Youngjae and Jinyoung.

I could tell by their expression that they were taken aback by the mess in the room. This made me smile. Not like the cutesy smiles but more of an evil smirk.

I started making my way to the door but the two guys were blocking the doorway, i was sure they wanted me to come with them.

"Get out of my way" my voice was low and deep.

"What are you gonna do, your friends left you." Jinyoung laughed.

His stopped laughing when he heard my small demonic giggles.

"What are you laughing at?"

Ignoring his question i kicked off the other leg of the table and without thinking I threw it at him, knocking him to the floor.

I looked at Youngjae who was backing away from me and the door. The fear in his eyes gave me power, like I was in control of everything.

I broke the leg of a chair before exiting the room and entering the main area of the warehouse.

There, standing away from everyone with his back facing me was no other than the piece of shit Mark.

He must've felt my glares drilling holes into his skull because he turned around.

He had the same smirk he had all those times.

"There you are, I was looking everywhere for you."

He started walking to me before resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Your friends ditched you, they don't love you Jennifer. But I do. So please don't ever leave m-"

I didn't even let him finish his sentence.

I couldn't think straight anymore, something in me snapped.

The anger I had consumed me whole.

I've officially lost it.

- this part might get a bit violent and graphic -

Without thinking I swing the chunk of wood that I hid behind me straight into Marks right side of his face. This made him release his grip on my shoulder.

He stepped back and held his head in his hands. I watched in amusement as the blood started dripping from his head and to his hands.

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat