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I spend the next week alone in my apartment crying over the words Niki spoke to me. This wasn't just any break up but the fact that he thinks of me as nothing but a monster that murdered his mother and got away with it.

My phone was ringing but I ignored it until it went silent again. But it continued to ring which annoyed me. I pulled my phone from the bedside table to look at the caller.

It was my mum.

I quickly wiped away the fallen tears and tried clearing my throat before answering.

"H-hello?" I could already hear my croaky voice.

"Hello Jennifer is that you?"

"Hey mum" I can already feel myself about to burst in tears again.

"Hey honey, is something wrong?"

"N-nothing everything's fine" I tried to laugh to make it sound natural.

"Jennifer what's wrong, you don't sound fine."

I started crying again but out loud so that my mum could hear.

"Mum!" I couldn't say anything else but let my sobs continue. "Mum Niki's mum was murdered in front of me and Niki thinks it was me. He thinks I'm a monster!"

The sobs continue while on my mums end of the phone was silent. I continue to cry until she spoke again.

"Your father and I are coming back tomorrow. You can't through this alone."

I don't remember what we talked about after that, I just remember crying a lot. And I continued to cry when the call ended.

I felt like I was just recovering but the world just has something against me and decides that I should suffer again.


Jennifer's Mother POV

The plane was pretty full and quite noisy. I tried focusing on my work on my laptop but would always stop and look up. There's a baby that's been crying for an hour now.

If I can raise my kid to behave then so can other parents. Parents these days, so disappointing.

I looked up to see the map of where the plane currently is and I can see that we're almost there, about 20 minutes.

Thank goodness.

I could my husband next to me snore, just great.

"We're on the plane. Yeah just waiting a couple minutes then we'll go." My ears perk up when I heard suspicious talking behind me.

I stopped typing and peeped my eyes through the gap in my seat. I saw that there were men in their 40's on a call. They look like trouble.

"The pilots should be exhausted so it shouldn't be too hard." I heard one say.

This doesn't sit right with me.

"Honey" I start shaking my husband so he can wake up. He kept hitting my hands away and telling me that he's too tired. Why am I married to this guy again?

"We're going now sir." I look back and see that the three men start walking towards the front of the plane. I wait a bit before standing up and following them.

"Ma'am where are you going?" One of the flight attendants asked me. Should I tell her that there are three suspicious men on board, what if I'm wrong? That would be embarrassing. Let's not.

"I'm just using the bathroom." She nodded and let me go.

I continued walking to where the men were going and noticed that they weren't by the bathrooms.

Didn't they say that were going to the pilots room? They're hijackers!

Without a second thought I ran into the pilots room.

"Ma'am you're not allowed here" another flight attendant grabbed my shoulder and tried to pull me away.

"Move!" I shoved her out the way and pushed the door open.

Inside were the three men with two of the pilots. One of the men were in the flyers seat, the other was standing by the pilots which were tied up and the third guy was sitting where the co pilot sits.

"HIJACKERS!" I shouted alerting the three men. Before anything one of the guys pushed me out and shut the door.

I ran to find any flight attendant.

"The planes being hijacked by three men!!"

Without a second word the woman calls up other flight attendants. They all try to open the pilot room door but it doesn't work. I make my way back to my seat as instructed by the flight attendant and I can tell by the expression and reaction of other passengers that they heard me.

Suddenly there was turbulence and lots of it. People started screaming and cries could be heard from all over the cabin.

Then nothing. Just black.

Jennifer POV

"Breaking news, an international flight from Tokyo has been hijacked and has crashed in a field just outside the city killing everyone on board."

"What?! What do you mean their plane crashed?!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry ma'am but your parents flight was hijacked and crashed upon landing here." The police officer placed a hand on my shoulder giving me a pat before leaving my apartment.

I grabbed my hair and start to fall on my knees.

"ha, hahahahaha" my laughs were mixed with my cries. "hahahah I'm really alone now. AAAAAHHHHH"

I was letting everything out. Every inch of emotion.

"Why does everyone leave me!" I start coughing out my sorrows. "First Giselle, Niki and now you too mum and dad?! Does the world hate me that much?! Do you want me dead too?! FINE!"

I look at the water below me while holding onto the railing. It looks deep enough to kill me, right?

I let out a heavy sad sigh.

It's my turn now.


There I go, I fall with the rain that just started. When I was submerged in the water I shut my eyes and let reality take over.


"You're awake now?"

I start coughing while my eyes open. I looked around and see that I'm in an unfamiliar room, then I looked over.


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