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I turned my head to the front door to see Mark. He looked shocked and angry at the same time, not at me but at the blonde guy.

Wait, what was his name?



"Niki" I said barely above a whisper.

That name is so familiar.

"Jennifer!" My attention went back onto Mark. "Go to your room, now." His stern voice made me jump a little. I tried to walk away but Niki's grip on my shoulder was holding me back.

"Stay here." He said still looking at Mark. His expression was deep and cold.

I looked back at Mark.

"Why aren't you moving?" He asked.

Why aren't I moving?

I pushed Niki away and ran into my room locking the doors. I stayed near the door so that I could what's going on.

Niki POV

I watched as Jennifer ran into a different room, which I'm assuming is her room. I turned my attention back to the ratbag in front of me.

"Long time no see Mark" I repeated what I said before, this time with a more arrogant pitch. I could tell by his expression that he was pissed.

"Why are you even here?"

"I needed answers."

Mark's cold expression instantly changed to a cocky one.

"Ha." He scoffed. "What is there for you to know?"

"Why are you keeping Jennifer hostage? Why are you hurting her? Why are you forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do?"

"Keeping her hostage? Hurting her? Forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do? I don't know what you're talking about."

I scoffed in disbelief. This bitch is trying to get on my nerves.

"I don't understand why you're so worked up about her, weren't you the one calling her a monster? Didn't you tell her to never talk to you again?"

"After all she's done for you! This is what you give us. You're a monster!" Flashbacks start to play in my mind again. "It was your fault." "You are the reason she's dead and I will never forgive you. Don't ever come near me or even think about speaking to me again. I don't know you anymore."

Mark suddenly grabbed my neck slamming me back against a wall.

"Listen here, I want you to stay away from us. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I had to suffer all those years without her and now I finally have her in my fingers so don't ruin this now. You had your fun with her, it's my turn now. Unless."

I saw Mark's hand reach for something in his pocket. I didn't wait for him to get the item out but instead used this opportunity to punch his stomach. I let out all the anger boiling in me through that punch. This made him release his grip around my neck.

Mark groaned and fell to floor holding his stomach. I saw a knife fall out his pocket, I quickly grabbed it and without a second thought stabbed it into his right leg. He let out a loud scream.

I ran to where Jennifer was hiding. I tried opening the door but it was locked.

Jennifer POV

There were loud crashes outside the door, followed by the screams of Mark.

Oh my god what's happening.

I felt my hand start to shake.

There was a loud thud making me jump. I quickly ran behind my bed hiding from whatever is gonna come after me.

My door handle started twisting indicating that someone's trying to come in. But since I locked the door it stopped the person from entering.

The person started banging on the door while still trying to open the door.

"Jennifer open the door please." That's not Mark's voice. It must be Niki's.

He's gonna hurt me.

I started shaking even more. I leaned my back against the bed while hugging my knees trying to be as quiet as possible.

Suddenly the banging and shouting stopped.

My nervousness calmed down a little.

M-maybe he left.

There was a sudden loud crash.

I peered my head over the bed and looked in shock as my room door was knocked over. Niki managed to barge his shoulder into the door knocking it over completely.

"Jennifer we have to go." Niki said as he came over to my side.

I tried to crawl as far as I could from him but my back hit the wall.

"Please don't hurt me." There were tears streaming down my face as I tried to curl myself into a ball.

Niki's heart ache when he saw my shaking body and the stressed state I'm currently in.

"I'm sorry" I heard him say making me look at him.

Suddenly he leaned over placing his hands under my legs and the other on my back. He lifted me up making me scream.

"It's okay, you're safe now."

For some reason, those words were able to calm me down.

This guy was really gentle. Mark would throw me around or hold me really tightly forming bruises along my arms and legs. But his grip was soft as if I would crumble if he held too tight.

This was a new feeling.

Niki carried me out of the room and towards the front door. I saw Mark on the living room floor, I almost screamed at his condition. There was a knife sticking out his leg with blood covering the floor. Mark was still conscious and was letting out loud and painful groans.

I started getting nervous again. Is he gonna do that to me too?

Niki didn't even look at the guy. He opened the door but just as he stepped out he said something to Mark.

"This was all your fault. You will pay for this."

He slammed the door and started walking away from the house. He continued to walk down the street before stopping.

I looked at Niki's face. His expression was a little hard to read. It was angry but relieved at the same time. Niki felt my gaze and looked at me. I quickly and nervously looked away.

A small laugh came out his mouth. I saw in the corner of my eye that he was still looking at me with a soft smile on his face.

Then his soft voice filled my ears.

"I missed you."


it's australia day, it isn't a day to celebrate but to commemorate the lives of the first people of this land that was lost.

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now