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6 months later...

Today is Niki and I's 6 months anniversary since we've started dating. And that past 6 months have been great, I've been so much more happier than I normally am.

I walked to class alone since Giselle wasn't answering my texts and surprisingly Niki wasn't answering me too. A little sad but maybe he's still asleep.

I opened the classroom door and suddenly party poppers went off, balloons were chucked into my face and everyone was cheering loudly. When things settled down I saw that everyone was standing along the sides of the class while a very familiar figures stood in the middle, one in front of the other. It was no other than  Niki.

I walked through the middle and stood in front of Niki. He had a big nervous smile on his face and was holding something behind his back.

"Happy 6 months Jennifer." He pulled out a bouquet of flowers, handing them to me.

"Aw thank you Niki" I took the flowers and pulled him in for a tight hug. I swear I'm so emotional, I felt like crying with happy tears.

Everyone in the class started cheering for us and clapping.

"Niki told me that he wanted to do this all privately but I invited the whole class" I heard Giselle say when I pulled away.

"Kiss. Kiss. Kiss" I heard everyone chanting 'kiss'. Well this is embarrassing. I looked at Niki who looked at me nervously.

It's not like we've never kissed. Niki actually kissed me on our one month anniversary and that was my first ever kiss. And we've done it many times after that but just never in front of many people.

I went on my tippy toes and went in for a small peck on Niki's lips before pulling away.

The whole class went wild and everyone started cheering again.

"That's my girl!" I heard Giselle yell that at one point.

While the class was still going wild, I pulled Niki in for another hug.

"Happy 6 months Niki"


After school Niki told me that he wanted to take me out for dinner then we could walk around the city and along the lake.

"What can I get for you both?" The waiter asked.

"Can I have two plates of parmesan risotto with roasted shrimps please." He's really going all out, again. Every month he'd always take me to different places to try fancy meals. I would always feel bad because these types of food would be expensive but Niki said not to worry since he wanted to make me feel special.

The food was delicious, even more than delicious even. It was so good that I was tempted to lick the plate, but I don't people to look at me weirdly. Niki wouldn't care, he's seen me do weirder stuff before.

"Hey I'm gonna use the bathroom." Niki stood up and walked away while I sat in my seat awkwardly.

"We meet again, Jennifer" I jumped in my seat a little when I heard someone talk to me. It was Mark.

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now